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Debate Score:131
Total Votes:176
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DaWolfman(3324) pic

Should Euthanasia remain illegal?

For those who do not know what euthanasia is it is aiding someone in suicide.


Side Score: 37


Side Score: 94
3 points

It is fine if you have that persons permission. Truth is that is not always the case. Euthanasia can also be connected with the murder of vegetables, people have no rite to take the life of somebody without their permission.

Side: yes
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

Well of course you should have their permission. Killing someone without their permission is called murder. Obviously no one's advocating that.

Side: No
1 point

i think Euthanasia should be illegal...Luring people in with false hope is not cool. Then again if it helps them make it through the day then let them have it.

Side: yes
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

Luring people with false hope? Helping them make it through the day? What are you talking about?

You do know that euthanasia means physician assisted suicide, right?

Side: No
1 point

Euthanasia other wise would be an excuse for killing the masses. Everyone is "dying". day by day, we get closer to the end of our lives. it's not pessimism, it's fact. we're AGING. we're getting close to dying, and we frankly don't know when we are going to die. yet some sick people are out there, and if euthanasia becomes legal, they will use it as an excuse to MURDER.

Side: yes
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
2 points

No you are talking about murder. Euthanasia has to occur with the victims consent. Without it that is called murder. We are not talking about murder we are talking about assisting someone who is crying out for help someone who has nothing left that is laying in a hospital bed. Maybe someone who is paralyzed from the neck down, someone whose body is taken with cancer. Those people are deserving of a request, and if it is within your power to aid them I think that you should and without consequences

Side: No
1 point

Do you know how many times I thought I really wanted to die in my life?!

If my friends and relatives had listened to me I would be dead a long time ago.

As for terminally ill people, I remember when my granddad was dieing of cancer, he had many days when he would look up (to god) and ask to die. But then there were other days (when relatives and children would come to visit) when he was thanking god for another day of life. All this time the doctors and us made sure he didn't feel much pain, either by morphine or pure emotional support. On his death bed, the nurse made sure he was given enough medicine (morphine), so he could die peacefully.

So, my opinion is that you can help alleviate someones pain... you can even help the moment of death be painless... but you can't inject someone with a death potion... you can't bring that moment closer, it has to come on it's own accord.

If you make it legal, it won't be long before a whole business industry develops around it.

Side: yes
1 point

The United States has made the right choice in keeping this topic illegal ultimately because there are more options than being put to death. Physician assisted suicide is often times just a call for help and the patient should instead go to counseling and get assistance as an alternative of death. Also, “64% of terminally ill patients who desired euthanasia all had clinical depression” (Balch). But, depression is very easily treatable in those with a terminal illness. And for those who say that it is a good option because they are suffering and a lot of pain there is also other alternatives. Modern medicine definitely has the ability to alleviate pain now days. 55% of terminally ill state that they have been in eminent pain (Gallup) and physicians are working hard to lower that percent. Also, it is very clear that since euthanasia has become legal in the Netherlands that it has now become not only a solution to the terminally ill but also to those with no terminal illness. Mental illness, permanent disability, and simply old age are now acceptable as a form of terminal illness. And as this paper comes to an end, ultimately the United States needs to recognize that although it may be easier to let people choose euthanasia it is in fact inhumane and that everyone needs to come together and address the problems of human suffering.

Side: Yes
0 points

I totally believe it is right how it is. It is not right to take the life of someone else without them saying so. IF they tell you that they are ready to die and they need a nudge then maybe it is alright to a degree.

Without having someones consent is just plain wrong. To take anothers life without their consent is called MURDER.

Side: yes
3 points

It's a good think we arent arguing the merits of murder then.

Side: No
0 points

The main act of aiding a person to his death can be considered murder so it should still remain illegal. Nobody has the right to take away other persons life even if you have the person's permission. We are fighting for the life of fetus in abortion acts much more of a life of a living person.

Side: yes
-1 points

What the hell is wrong with the youth in Asia? BTW, check your spelling!

Side: yes
Bjornhoodles(22) Disputed
1 point

That is not what euthanasia means you idiot.

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

Bjorn, pertaining to Joe's comment...



Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

i can't believe you didn't get that...

Side: No

Since January 1, 2009, I had more points than you so I guess I know something that you don't know.... or it could mean that since January 1, 2009, points don't matter and they are starting to let anyone be president ;)

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
0 points

Joe you SOB!!! LOL you got me again dammit -.-

Side: No
-2 points
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
7 points

If your best friend has been sentenced to a hospital bed being paralyzed from the neck down and he looked into your eyes and asked if you could help him pass on. You would look at him and say ' I have no right to help you, God has decided for you to suffer therefor I refuse to help you '?

Euthanasia is aiding someone in passing with their consent, so you would turn your friend, sibling, parent, child down?

Side: No
2 points

I couldn't thats for sure

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
4 points

First of all, you have no proof god decides anything.

Second, you don't have any right to decide if someone else should live any more than if someone else should die.

Euthanasia isn't a case of me or you deciding when someone else should die. They decide themselves.

You have every right to try and convince someone else to live, but if a person makes a choice, there's no reason they should not be able to go about their decision in a dignified manner.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
4 points

My God says don't let people suffer.

Side: No
2 points

Sounds good to me.

Side: No
6 points

When you have people that want to die, that are able to make conscious decisions about what they want done to them shouldn't they have at least that if they have nothing else to live for?

As for vegetables I have no say in that matter. It does not have much to do with euthanasia since they cannot make a conscious decision that they are ready to die.

When you have depressed people killing themselves you really do not have much choice to say whether or not it is legal or illegal since they are already dead ( unless they suck at killing themselves as well as life ).

I do not see how the government can say that someone aiding someone in making their painful lives end ( with that persons consent ) deserves to be sent to a correctional facility or jail. It really should be applauded, that people are willing to risk years in prison to help their family member or friend pass on.

Side: No
1 point

Who are you to concur with a person who says they have nothing to live for thereby aiding them in their death? Who are you to say that a depressed person is already dead? You obviously haven't the faintest idea of what depression is or consists of.

Not only are you committing a crime in aiding them in their suicide but how and what will you use to end their suffering? A gun, pills, poison, hanging? Most of the items you might use are also illegal. You do no one a service to aid them in killing themselves. As a matter of fact, you do them an injustice! You're not educated enough to make that decision or to see through someone well enough to the extent of knowing everything there is to know pertaining to their mental faculties or their physical well-being.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison in 1999 was paroled on June 1, 2007 due to good behavior. Most of his clients did, indeed, release the lethal doses needed themselves. Dr. Kevorkian gave them the means by which to do it. Only 2-3 times did he administer the injection himself. If he couldn't get away with this, having explained it from every vantage point imaginable, what makes you think that anyone could and not be jailed for it"?

I support Euthanasia under certain conditions but I disagree with your argument on the subject.

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
2 points

All I said was that if someone were to ask to be aided in their death I believe it to be right. I also in no way said that a depressed person is dead. I said that how could the gov. call suicide illegal if that person has already committed suicide read a little slower next time. IDK what the hell you are talking about with the jailed thing. I said that it should be aplauded that people who commit euthanasia are helping people that asked to be helped. Try reading a little slower.

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

bottle of almost any house hold medication would do, melatonin is not illegal. Maybe I am not educated enough to make the decision in HELPING them kill themselves but I would merely be aiding them (with their consent). They are asking me for help I am not suggesting to them anything, they are asking me so I am aiding them with their request not the other way around. They are deciding that they want to die not me I am merely making what they want possible to them.

What conditions do you support euthanasia? I said someone suffering deserves help if they request it what other form of euthanasia is there?

Side: No
5 points

Absolutely not.

It's ridiculous. You have these poor people, in extraordinary amounts of pain, who don't have long to live anyway,

and they make a choice to end it.

That's their business. No one else's.

People walk around like this is some flippant decision these people make.

They don't want to die. They don't want to be in constant pain.

They make a conscious decision.

It's safe, painless, they get to die with their loved ones and under supervision.

Meanwhile you have people jumping off buildings and firing guns into their heads.

That's painful, and dangerous for anyone in the immediate vicinity.

Not allowing people to die in a dignified manner is just more puritan B.S.

Side: No
2 points

I totally agree. If you have people that are perfectly fine with their lives deciding that people that are paralyzed and WANT to end their lives who are those perfectly fine people to say no to that?

Side: No
3 points

Fuck no. If I were in Terry Shiavo's case, i'd really want to be dead.

Vegetables are taking up money and are miserable. Just let them die in peace.

Side: No
2 points

I'd much rather die than suffer pain for a long time. It's like that death vs. torture debate. I would much rather choose death. If people want to die, so let them. It's their life, and their choice.

Side: No
2 points

I don't think Euthanasia is anything like murdering people. If someone's in a lot of pain, and they're is no escape, and they want to die, letting them is just the nice thing to do. I don't understand the religious idea that it's somehow murder. I believe in God and the Bible, but I've never seen anything that would make me think that Euthanasia breaks any commandment.

Side: No
2 points

If someone is in a lot of pain and just wants to end it then I think we should euthanize them. We do it for animals all of the time when there is no hope for them to recover and live a normal life. Honestly, if I was lying in a hospital bed, full of cancer and I was in so much pain that they constantly had to pump me full of morphine I would want someone to euthanize me. I wouldn't want a family member putting me on life support just because they couldn't let me go. It would be torture for me if my family member's did that to me.

Side: No
2 points

Think of it this way. Lets say it is you laying in a hospital bed being pumped with pain killers. You see how upset your family is when they come in to see you, doctors are always talking about what a waste of time you are in the room next door, you cannot go to the bathroom by yourself. I would not be able to live like a 110 year old man when I am anywhere below 70 years old! To be in constant pain would be horrible. I would not be able to live with seeing the pain in my families eyes. It is true that the last step off of a building to your death is the toughest, but when you are trapped in a hospital bed you cannot even get a window open. I would beg for my family members to pull the plug on me give me a whole bottle of melatonin or something. I know I could not bear to live like a diseased animal. So now look at that man laying in the hospital bed asking you for help. Could you deny him? If it was you would you not ask the same question? Euthanasia is help not murder.

Side: No
1 point

Dam well put wish I would of said that ;) came out a little clearer than mine I geuss.

Side: yes
2 points

Every time I am posited with this question, a news article comes to mind. I read it about two years ago. It was about a teenager, no more than seventeen, in a car wreck. He now suffers from a condition known as 'locked-in syndrome'. He is unable to move any part of his body - not even his head. Yet, he can still feel pain, but he can no longer speak so he cannot get anybody to scratch his itches.

I'd want more than anything to be dead if I were 'in his shoes'.

Side: No
1 point

think of it this way you are in constant aganising pain your losing your ability to walk use your arms your face your speach then you stop breathing over 2 years and you need verry strong pain killers and you want to stop the pain but the govenment says NO so you go ask some one to help or you kill your self by hanging ectra what would you prefer....

hang or die a peacefull way...

Side: No

no it should not remain illegal because if someone hates their life that much they should be allowed to ask for help to end it

Side: No
1 point

nope. each to their own - walk a mile in their shoes before you decide what is fair or right for another person. & even after that, it should only be THAT person deciding what's right for him/herself.

Side: Legalize It

In cases of terminal illness or vegetation, euthanasia should be allowed and accepted as an alternative solution to a painful, drawn-out death or a vegetative life. However, giving euthanasia to every teenager facing depression is an entirely different matter.

Side: No
1 point

It can be legalized! but the method of the euthanasia must be an Active Euthanasia,

instant pain for the patient

Side: No
1 point

me and bailey think that if you feel that what you are doing is right you should go for it,, its your life and you can control it not the law

Side: No

If a patient is suffering intense pain and there is no cure in sight, a patient should be allowed to die with dignity.

Side: No
0 points

No, freedom to choose what you want should never illegal

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

what does that even mean?

Side: No