
Debate Info

Yes, it influences kids! No, it ROCKS!
Debate Score:83
Total Votes:110
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 Yes, it influences kids! (26)
 No, it ROCKS! (29)

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Berrystar(159) pic

Should Happy Tree Friends cartoon be banned?

Yes, it influences kids!

Side Score: 37

No, it ROCKS!

Side Score: 46
1 point

Terrible show, too much disguised gore and blood. Youtube should at least put it on their 18+ filter so kids can't stumble upon it, but even then it can influence adults into liking death, too.

Side: Yes, it influences kids!
3 points

I wouldn't say it rocks but if you don't want your kids watching it keep them away from the internet.

Side: No, it ROCKS!
2 points

I've seen these cartoons and yeah they're pretty messed up ,but why ban them!? If you don't want your kids to see them don't let them. Parenting is not the government's job.

Side: No, it ROCKS!
2 points

I didn't know what this was? So, I YouTubed it and watched a clip about a Moose named Lumpy. Lumpy chopped down a tree but the tree landed on him and he couldn't free his leg. He had a spoon so he painfully cut off his own leg to free himself... gross, lots of cartoon blood and stuff... finally he did it and was relieved... BUT then he realized he cut off the wrong leg!!!!

Hehehehe! Good stuff shouldn't be banned! (Stupid stuff either)

Side: No, it ROCKS!
2 points

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but no, it shouldn't be banned, whatever it is. Nothing form of media ought ever be banned; let people decide for themselves what they themselves shall view.

Side: No, it ROCKS!
2 points

I personally think it rocks. Only reason this argument is up is because there's dipshit parents around :D

Side: No, it ROCKS!

I love it! Its awesome, you have a bunch of harmless creatures that often get themselves killed in crule ways. If it was real it would be sick and horible but, its just a cartoon. Its funny in a dak sort of way. It should be kept away from children though. by thet I mean its for people 12+. Does anyone else like it when a creature makes a sacrafice like when it steps on a nail so it wont get killed in a avalanch?

Side: No, it ROCKS!
Andrew112005(2) Disputed
1 point

Jacob I find it hard to understand why you would suggest this for people 12+, honestly? It may just be a cartoon, but the amount of blood and gore in the show should make it only for people 18+. In my opinion it really is not that funny, how is it funny to watch some poor creature get killed in the most painful of ways possible? Sounds kind of sadistic to me, but like I said, my own opinion. Still I believe this should be banned for the brutality in it and parents should not allow their children to watch it. If they do they must have a disfunctional brain...

Side: Yes, it influences kids!
2 points

I forgot about this debate! Did you look up Happy Tree Friends? Anyway, it is a sort of dark funny. I started watching when I was 12 and l feel great!

Side: No, it ROCKS!
2 points

Honestly, even though I do like it, children can access it FAR too easily. I am strictly against banning the show, but it should only be available to youtube users who are 18+....which actually makes me a hypocrite however, since I AM 14, haha...I first found out about the show at age 12 from a recommendation from a friend of mine named Terra. I saw the "Eyes Cold Lemonade" episode and it literally left me shaking afterwards. I never planned to get back in the fandom ( not that I had jumped in to the fandom after that terrifying scare ) , but I was lured in by the human designs that mostly japanese fans had posted all over Zerochan. About a week of obsessing over the human designs and completely avoiding the actual show, I did hesitantly click on an episode out of curiosity. I found that it wasn't as bad as I had found before. I don't find the show by any means "funny", though I do find it entertaining now. I am still a bit guilty, only about two weeks has passed since entering the fandom. I can't really sugarcoat liking a show about killing innocent animals, but so far my mental health hasn't been influenced so I assume that I'm fine, haha! XD But yeah, you guys keep on liking what you like and disliking what you don't, I just hope we can be respectful and mature about it.

Side: No, it ROCKS!

Is it on TV yet?

Side: No, it ROCKS!
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Well, I see you leaving didn't last long...

Side: Yes, it influences kids!
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

Dur you go, pointing out the obvious again. You just can't stop can you?

Side: Yes, it influences kids!