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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:31
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FatmaA(6) pic

Should Junk Food Be Banned?


Junk food addiction is a worldwide issue that concern every society, some agree that junk food that be banned because of its disadvantages such as obesity, heartache, diabetes and further damages in the future .On the other hand others disagree that junk food should be banned due to its advantages which are that junk food are easy to make and very delicious.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 19
1 point

junk food should be banned because it's unhealthy and it causes many diseases

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes it should be banned beacuse its not helthy for our body, also its a couse of diseases.

Side: Yes
1justiceking(11) Disputed
2 points

Eating junk food does not mean that it is bad for you. Consuming a large amount on a daily bases will be bad for you. Everyone has the will power to control what they want to eat.

Side: No
1 point

First of all, why should there exist man-made things that can kill you? Cigarrettes, alcohol, junk food should be banned because it kills. Nature, of course, has things that can kill you, but we cannot control it since it is nature. But, man-made-money-eating products should not exist at all.

Imagine a piece of land. You think I am allowed to place visible mines just because I have a choice to step on them or not? NO!

Side: Yes
1 point

If your neighbor would like to go out and consume food that is poor for him/her, why do you have any right to stop him/her from doing so?

Side: No
1 point

Bad things it does= Lots! Good things = NONE WHAT SO EVER! Maybe a few jobs ad McDonalds but THATS IT!

Side: Yes
1 point

Banning junk food is not nessery unless you have it or abuse junk food.! , junk food are unhealthy because thayy may cause a dangriuse deasiess such as heartach , obease and other Problems for teenagers since they havt 1 meal junk food in four weeks monthly !

Side: Yes
Yelemessov(3) Disputed
2 points

Bannig junk food is not nessesary, because of mail reason, but we should not give for children and teenagers, yeah of course junk food unhealthy, but for us adults i think is normal, we have no time to eat normal organic food, someone work hard, someone study hard and in this cases it's unreal to eat organic food, All foods in our world has negative sides. In addition we do need eat junk food 4 days weekly=)))))

Side: No
1 point

Food that we eat must be healthy. Instead of mass-producing junk food how about mass-producing healthy food?

I don't know how it is elsewhere but here, where I live, healthy food is actually more expensive. It should be the other way around, it's like they want us to be unhealthy. Our fucked up world...

Honestly, if someone had an idea to flavor shit in some amazing way people would go even for that. What is for dinner? Spiced up yesterday!

People care for the taste not for the contents. Well, most people...

Eating healthy goes with regular physical exercises. If you're not doing both of them there's not really any point doing either of them.

Side: Yes
1 point

It is very unfortunate that horrific and unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food. Maybe we can try to change that.

But if Billie-bob wants to eat Twinkies, Ho-Hos, and lard, we are of no authority to stop him. Even if it's killing him.

Side: No
1 point

maybe, we could guarantee the freedom of choosing foods we want..even junk food. But it seems not that the majority of people can control the quantity of eating junk foods. Too much..Desire is getting bigger~

I think the freedom should be based on our future. The healthy life..

How many times did you think our future?..someone may remember the food through internet..bomb burger..nuclear burger..these foods contains approximately 110000kcal!!!!!

Why did they make that kinds of foods if they are satisfied with current junk? Half of the citizens are already obesity..are you gonna say "it'll be okay"? after being chubby,fatty guys??

diminish the number of stores!!

Side: Yes
1 point

It should because it is very bad, although this is a free country and you should be able to eat what ever but if you could bann half dieses in the world would you well junk food causes 53% of dieses in the world

Side: Yes
1 point

Junk food needs to be banned because its simply bad for you. It makes people obese.

Side: Yes
1 point

People make themselves obese through their actions and decisions. What you are doing is taking blame off the obese person, blaming the food instead, and then asserting that the best way to deal with this is to restrict the freedom of both the person and the food distributor.

Side: No
TMadden38(186) Disputed
1 point

The Food And Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Environmental Control should both bann all junk food period. It is just too resisting to some people and is so cheap that poor people have no other choice. Health foods need to be mass produced so that everyone in this country can be able to afford them.

Side: Yes

People need the freedom to choose for themselves if they want to eat healthy or not. And if they only eat junk food, end up morbidly obese with heart problems and diabetes and die because of it, well, that's just natural selection. I don't think we should pass legislation designed to keep people that stupid alive and among us longer.

Everything from driving to alcohol to organized sports poses a potential risk to your health. We shoudn't be banning these things because they could prove dangerous, but rather educating people on how to do these things in a healthy and risk-free way. Junk food, for example, is usually quite unhealthy and does usually taste good, but if I had a well balanced, healthy meal and want to top it off with a sliver of cake afterwards that should be my choice. I shouldn't have that option revoked because some people only ever eat the cake, the junk food.

This is like banning driving because we have auto accidents, even though the majority of drivers do not cause accidents.

This is like banning alcohol for the person who enjoys one cold beer when they get home from work because someone else drinks till they become a drunk public nuisance.

This is like banning sports on the basis that nobody should play sports because some people get hurt while playing sports.

I think that informed freedom is always preferable to ignorant restrictions.

Side: No
2 points

No . It's up to the person if they become big , thats their own fault . Its not the food mostly.......its the person on the other end

Side: No
1 point

people must be responsible enough to eat junk food in moderation. Its not suppliers fault that we eat it too much.

Side: No
1 point

If you look at the benefits of eliminating junk food from your diet I would say yes but due to the fact that people have a right to consume what they choose, and that determining what is, and what is not junk food as well as stopping production would be too costly. If the government were to ban junk food they would have to initiate a program to do so which costs money. Tax payer money at that. Not to mention thousands of jobs adding to the unemployment crisis. Who would decide what was and was not considered junk? Would they base it on calories, sugar carbs? It would simply be easier for people to practice moderation and personal restraint.

Side: No
1 point

The last thing we need in this country is MORE prohibition.

It's bad enough that we have an FDA restricting the research and use of various products and foods. But to create a food "ban" on junk food?

Shit. I can't even imagine how terrible and bureaucratic that will end up being.

The people should be free to to consumer whatever their heart desires. And if they do it irresponsibly enough that their heart stops, so be it. I'm not going to have to go to a Burger Dealer just to have something tasty. And I surely wouldn't want to get arrested or forced into rehab just because I got caught with a baggy of lollipops.

As Noble as the cause may seem, junk food restrictions will only end badly. It will hurt small business and innocent Americans (like most other government regulations, restrictions, and bans).

Side: No
1 point

Junk food should be banned,because it is harm for our health and it also make us fall ill. It is little useful for us,but wase a lot of resources.

Side: No
1 point

Food can not be banned because some got used to it and love it. For example, I)) is my choice. it's just food, not alcohol or drugs.

I think that the food itself is not harmful, injurious is the method of its preparation. You can just find a compromise and change only the method of preparation, use of higher quality and smaller semis.

Side: No

Should the sun be banned because you can get skin cancer without protection?

Should cars be banned because it increases the chance of a car accident?

Should dogs be banned because they can bite?

Should water be banned because you can drown in it?

^^^ All these questions are as stupid as yours. People have the right to do what they want to their own body, stop being a stupid parent to everyone that no one wants, because you look like a twat. Sick of these dumb debates. Cheers.

Side: No
1 point

Although it is known that is really harmful for our health, there are people who can simply just can not afford healthy food or even can not cook themselves. So they have to go to fast food, etc. It definetely shouldnt be banned

Side: No

People feel happy whenever they are snacking on junk food, so, their happiness should not be taken away.

Side: No