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Debate Score:36
Total Votes:41
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Debaterman(59) pic

Should Sodomites pay more taxes?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 20

Smokers pay more to support their habit ;)

Their ought to be a tax on everyone's ass ;)

Side: Yes
3 points

I've long been in support of taxin' dat ass!_

Side: Yes

This made me giggle.

Of course they should pay more taxes! They spread AIDS and we need dat extra money to help medicate people who have contracted their AIDS.

Side: Yes
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
5 points

Guys, he's trolling, no need for a downvote :P

Side: No
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

I'm not trolling...I'm just misunderstood.

Stop calling me a troll.

Side: Yes

Oh I got a downvote, I must not have been clear enough!

When you stick things into your poop chute you are generating the AIDS virus and when you go around boinking errbody else, then you end up spreading the virus.

Also, think about, when you fart you are making the virus go airborne. I think sodomites should be either imprisoned or forced to pay more taxes.

Side: Yes
3 points

Well... I don't know? Who is going to be willing to sign up to be the Sodomite Police?

Side: No
2 points

LMAO! Well, I'm not sure but my guess is there's some brown noser out there willing to do it. :))

Side: No
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

They could just use the regular police. <.<

Side: Yes

Obama. ;)

Side: No
1 point

Unless they are breaking a law or doing a disservice to the community, what they do privately with consenting adults is their own business (not that I agree with it or consider it acceptable).

Side: No

What are we taxing them on? how are they costing us more money in government?

Side: No

Ever got a blowjob from a woman? if you have than that is sodomy and you should pay more taxes

Side: No

Taxation should be limited to a national flat sales tax. The Fair Tax is awesome. .

Side: No

Sodom was destroyed a very long time ago. I do not believe its citizens would be capable of paying taxes since they are, you know, dead.

Side: No

They are excused from paying taxes. They are a protected class.

Side: No