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WWE RAW/SD should have a GM WWE RAW/SD doesnt need a GM
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 WWE RAW/SD should have a GM (1)

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niqaniq01(13) pic

Should WWE RAW/SD have a general manager and is it worth it to have one?

This is my first debate. I'm just making this debate to see peoples opinions.

WWE RAW/SD should have a GM

Side Score: 1

WWE RAW/SD doesnt need a GM

Side Score: 0
1 point

I think both of these brands should have a GM because, The Authority's power has no support from the fans, and that is not it. The reasons WWE RAW/SD should have a GM because:

1)GMs are much more organized

2)Split brands will organize the 'match card' much better because currently, RAW and SmackDown has similar/repeated content and 'split brands' will have different super stars which creates "variety" for each of the 2 brands

Side: WWE RAW/SD should have a GM
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