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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 No (6)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should alcohol be prohibited?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 7

Too many people are killed by drunk drivers. Also, plenty of domestic disturbances are caused by alcohol.

Side: Yes
2 points

Alcohol prohibition has proved to be ineffective in decreasing the amount of drinking.

Even current prohibitions against drugs like marijuana and cocaine prove to be ineffective.

1. There is profit to be made in selling things whether they are on the black market or sold legally when there is a demand for it.

2. The prospect of profit incentivizes production, distribution, advertisement, sale and use of a thing.

3. Profit has a mutual relationship with scarcity with demand being a control variable. (If demand remains constant, as scarcity goes up, profit goes up, et vice versa).

4. Prohibiting the production, distribution, advertisement and sale of a thing increases the things scarcity where demand remains.

5. Because 3 and 4, there is a large profit to be made in the market of illegal drugs (1 increases).

Rinse and repeat.

In order to combat the use of drugs, one should seek for ways to reduce the control variable (demand). i.e. education, de-glamorization, etc.

Prohibition is counter effective to this.

Side: No
1 point

Alchole also have good function to our society. If we prohabit the alchole, another substite will be covered in our society.

Side: No
1 point

It should be one's autonomous decision to consume alcoholic beverages. The state has no business regulating these unless it's a regulation for minors.

Side: No
1 point

Should prohibition return? No. It didn't work out so well the last time, there is no logical reason to believe it would go any better this time around. Especially consider the times we live in. We live in a partying age. I wasn't alive in the prohibition age but they seemed like they liked to party. Well their parties weren't yolo parties. Yolo parties call for alcohol, and no matter the age of the goes, the proof of the alcohols, or the laws of the era will slow them down much.

We'd just be making a generation of more criminals. The first criminals were the drug 'abusers'.

Side: No
0 points

No, I realize Democrats want to control what we eat, control if we smoke cigarettes, force us to buy heath insurance & pay for abortions, take our guns, etc.

Get out of our lives!

Side: No
Rotbart(101) Disputed
1 point

I think most Democrats are against alcohol prohibition. There is no proposed legislation from either side, that I am aware of, that "controls what you eat." Cigarettes are bad for you, but I do not think the Democratic platform it to "control if you smoke cigarettes," and I do not think there is any legislation to make them illegal from either party. Democrats do not want you to pay for abortions, because private donations already pay for them. Democrats do not want to take your guns either. Please, lets stick to facts, not partisan talking points that pundits are paid to give us.

Side: No