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Yes! They must know English! No! We're a free country!
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:60
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 Yes! They must know English! (22)
 No! We're a free country! (18)

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joe2500(1) pic

Yes! They must know English!

Side Score: 29

No! We're a free country!

Side Score: 23
4 points

If you really think about it this is kind of a ridiculous question... i mean, asking if American's should be required to speak English is like asking if doctors should be required to go to med school. Speaking the national language is a necessary component to a sustainable working society. Without communication, there's nothing.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
3 points

Speaking the national language is a necessary component to a sustainable working society.

America doesn't have a national language.

Side: No! We're a free country!
msmyser0828(1) Disputed
1 point

Umm..... America has a national language. And it is English..... So.....

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
3 points

First, let me clarify that I am not debating whether all Americans should speak English "all the time". You are a free country and if people want to speak to each other in an another language that is their choice and right.

Now, the reason I am on this side is because in order to run a country and maintain official communications smoothly, the country must have a "national language". A language that is spoken by every office and body that represents the state. So, in that respect, every American should be required to understand and communicate in this language, just like they are required to know and abide by American law.

This idea that the state has to cater to its citizens in whatever language they prefer is absurd, inefficient and costly.

As far as the private sector is concerned (i.e.private companies), as long as they maintain their inter-communications and operations in English, then they should be free to cater to their customers in additional languages, as long as English is always an option.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
3 points

It would be nice to have a language that everybody speaks and understands. I am not saying that English should be there ONLY language.....

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point

While English is not the official language of the United States, it is the de facto language of the United States. Schools teach in English, the President addresses his people in English, and English is the language of business here in the US. As such, it is very important that people living here know how to speak the language; however, I have no problem whatsoever with somebody speaking a foreign language in their home to their kids. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being multilingual. The problem is when we spend tax payer money on translated items such as books from the Department of Licensing or road signs. If you want to survive here in the US, you're going to have to learn English, just like if you moved to China, you're going to need to learn that region's language in order to survive.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point

Yes they should because America was founded on English. And without a common language then we have nothing.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point

Again people we are a free country but still we were found on English not that I am hating on any lanague because every langauge is beauiful but American needs English as their lanauge for everyone.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: No! We're a free country!

If everyone speaks English in America. it would be wonderful because everyone would be able to understand one another and it would stop the expense of having signs and telephone messages in another language.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: No! We're a free country!


First - English is a pretty simple language to Speak(harder to spell). It has regular conjugation verbs and no masculine BS

Second- if you want to get a good job it’s priceless

So if u have no plans to learn it then you really intend on just temporary employment here.... DUH

I have a customer that came from Mexico and she has lived here for 10 years and she can barely say hello and thank you

>>> she has no intention of even trying! Lazy is all that is

I can say more in Spanish than she can in English and I’ve never even taken a class and never been out of the US

Side: Yes! They must know English!

I actually come down on this side because we are, indeed, a free people and it is a free country. The only thing that disturbs me is that people from other lands who come to America some don't wish to learn our language. We are all free to speak whatever language we wish to speak but I shouldn't be surprised if I could not make myself understood to the masses. I do not wish to sound at all prejudiced but the Hispanic people seem to have a problem learning the language of their adopted land. I do resent having products and services labeled in Spanish as well as English. To me this does not foster the idea of having to learn our language. Rather it tells people we will bend when it comes to the subject. Myself and my family had to learn to speak English when we came here and the same should be expected of others who, at the very least, wish to be educated here.

Side: Yes and No
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
0 points

You disputed your own point. First, you're on the side for people to speak whatever language they please, then you talk about Hispanics for not learning English. Which side are you on?

Side: Yes! They must know English!
2 points

Not at all. Read my response's not as on the fence as you think.

Side: Yes and No
2 points

No but those who do speak english should not have to be forced to cater to those who choose not to learn the language.

Side: No! We're a free country!

To force those who choose to come to a free country and force them to learn a particular language is absurd.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point

Yes, because if you go to any other country to live, you need to learn there language to get by in everyday life.

Side: Yes! They must know English!

Free countries or civilizations have a vibrate and diverse culture including language.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point

Honestly If they don't speak English and the don"T want to learn English why force it on them.... Its like a slap in the face to them.. and i bet you if they speak Spanish, i bet you they want us to learn it so we can understand them... but now we are american and we are to lazy to!

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point

Everyone is unique. Speaking another language is special. America was brought up upon immigrants. Arguing over the small things like this is what starts wars. Nobody wants a war stop and think about other world problems instead of being selfish or even rude to those who are not the same race as you or has the same beliefs as you. We should be trying to help others. I agree English is a common language, but so is Spanish. If everyone in the world only spoke that countries most popular language, no one would be able to travel anywhere because everyone would be so protective over their land and everyone would always be fighting. Other countries learn English, so why not we all learn other languages. Stop arguing over the small things and get with the program. The world doesn't revolve around you, we have bigger things to deal with. To all the people ho completely read through this thank you. i am sorry you had to read me rant on and on, but people need to be more aware of other things and stop thinking about the small things.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point

Why is speaking another language special? I speak 4. So what? The only reason I can is my parents taught me as a toddler...

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Stop spamming the board you Nazi retard.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point

No. May as well ask if all Americans should speak Apache or Navajo or some other truly indigenous dialogue. As it is now, America is comprised of multiple cultures, ethnicity's and languages. While I do think it would certainly be easier to have a main language, I don't think it's needing to be a requirement.

Side: No! We're a free country!
0 points

As a free country, citizens shouldn't required to speak any language. Hell, if they wish to not speak at all, it's their First Amendment right.

The only thing we should require English on is through the government. The government shouldn't be all over the place with different languages. All representatives and workers (for the government) MUST know English. But if you are a citizen or of the private sector, government has no right to dictate your language.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point

First of all, I think if anything, we need to remember that we came to America and brought our own language with us, The Native Americans had to deal with us taking over. just to get that out there :P

Secondly I myself am Hispanic, I grew up in a Spanish/ English house and just so you know (Some Hispanic's pretend they don't know English.) America is not a melting pot, that implies we all turn into the same freakin thing, America is a chef salad, we are all different and we make one bad a$$ country, if you don't like it I'm sure Russia would love to have you. (No offense i really love Russians xD ) The government should definitely NOT be able to tell you what languages you need to learn, even if they already make American's take foreign language courses >.>

Side: No! We're a free country!
acandrews(25) Disputed
1 point

When we came to America, we didn't join a nation, we made our own. The Native Americans didn't have a say because we didn't really include them.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
luv2laf987(11) Disputed
1 point

Interesting fact: the First Amendment is written in English. And only having those directly involved in government be required to speak english is ridiculous because everyone in this country collaboratively holds some power. If there was no communication between a country's citizens it would collapse because a government is nothing without its people, and therefore society is just as important as those who represent them.

Side: Yes! They must know English!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

There is communication, though. In fact, it is currently NOT the law to be required to speak English yet we do not see chaos and miscommunication in this country. What we DO see is diversity and cultural evolution.

Side: No! We're a free country!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!
1 point


Side: Yes! They must know English!