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 Should an Age Limit be Put on Youtube? (32)

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Should an Age Limit be Put on Youtube?

Youtube logo on phone

Youtibe is a website that millions of people have access to each each day. Younger people even have access to things that may not be appropriate for people of their age and on Youtube nothing is restricted from being put on (except the obvious: murder etc.).


There is a reason that there are age limits on certain films, and on Youtube people have access to several cameo sections from several films that have age restrictions so what is the point of putting the ratings on if people can just go on this website and repeatedly watch inappropriate things.


All of this information leads to the ultimate question: Should there be an age limit on Youtube?



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No, that really should be the responsibility of the parent.-----

Side: parent
1 point

I must be going to the wrong areas...I've never seen anything that I would really consider inappropriate.

Side: parent
1 point

Youtube has content restrictions anyway. Anything deemed too offensive is removed and other things are for 18+ members. Obviously you can just lie about your age when you sign up but it's still monitored. I think parents need to learn the art of 'parental restrictions' it's not that hard to set up on a computer or laptop.

Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

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Side: parent
1 point

No, it's so stupid in my opinion. And it doesn't stop the kids because they can make a new account and lie about their age. Also, the videos on youtube are nothing that the kids havent seen before..

Side: parent
1 point

No, I do not think so. There are age limits at all bad movies like with sex, so it's not really what you get to see. So it seems unnecessary.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think there could be. People will always find a loop hole somewhere!

I don't really know how you would monitor it though. All you need is a e-mail account to get one up and running... If they wanted to be really clever, they could even just ask an older sibling that is over the age range...

Side: No
1 point

They already do and i think that they should keep them because when parents aren't around to watch there kids who knows what they look at on youtube. i mean you can watch almost anything on youtube. so i agree have age limit.

Side: parent
1 point

Youtube does not really have anything inapropriate... if there is though they ask if your 18. If a kid is smart enough to lie and to have a youtube account then maybe they are'nt as imature as adults think they are... because of new 'education' it is siad that around 20% of kids are smarter than most adults. i don'T know what to think of it but I'M sure that it's not off by far or at all

Side: No
1 point

Actually... There is an age limit on certain videos. They make you sign in onto certain provocative videos and, if your account's date of birth is above 18 and you click the "I Confirm that I Am 18" button, you can view them.

Side: Actually
1 point

No, I'm 11 and I rly want an account, because I love making funny and cool videos, like mc ones and CrazyMe videos. I wish that either you had to be 8 or something or that there was an under 13s YouTube. Even though there would be thousands of kiddie videos. Cuz I'm pretty obsessed with Minecraft!!! And, kids and preteens should be able to express their creativity with technology and awesomeness!!! Minecraft 4Evar!!!

Side: Actually

As long as a youngster has the permission from their parents, I do not think an age limit is necessary.

Side: Actually
1 point

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Side: Actually

There shouldnot be an age limit, on the First Amendment right, to freedom of speech. People of all ages, have the right to speak.

Side: Actually
1 point

Great post.. glad i came across this looking forward to share this with everyone hereĀ 

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Side: Actually
Rusticus(809) Disputed
1 point

This looks like some sort of code. I wonder what this is really about. Something evil would probably be a good guess

Side: Actually
1 point

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Side: Actually
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Side: Actually
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Side: Actually
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Side: Actually
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Side: Actually