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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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OmegaPan(710) pic

Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 3
2 points

I'm pretty sure this practice is common among all criminal types, despite the stigma around "snitching".

Side: Yes
1 point

Should drug dealers just rat out their competition to the cops?

Hello OP:

This question is wrong on so many counts, an answer simply cannot be rendered..



Side: Yes
OmegaPan(710) Disputed
1 point

I would like for you to answer the question.

Side: No
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

I would like for you to answer the question.

Hello again, OP:

For you, my friend, I'll give it a shot..

First off, drug dealers probably don't KNOW who their competition is. If they DO know, the cops know too. Ratting out your competition ISN'T a way to eliminate him... It's a way to get yourself killed. Third, if a drug dealer ratted out his competition, he's basically ratting out himself..

ALL of that should be glaringly OBVIOUS to the casual observer.


Side: Yes
1 point

These drug dealers are businessmen! Capitalists making millions! Our (so called) President doesn't like interference with capitalists, so, HE would likely "pay their legal fees" (with OUR money, of course).

Then again, if they did, that would likely cut the competition by 50%, allowing the remaining dealers to double THEIR profits! The 1% wins again! Considering THAT, I put this in the wrong side, conservatively thinking …………. ;-)

Side: No
OmegaPan(710) Disputed
2 points

Let us smoke a joint together after the debate.

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I have never smoked a joint or done any other un-prescribed drug …. other than alcohol, I'd have a Bourbon with you. ;-)

I'm not "against" pot smokers, I just never liked smoking in general. Tried cigs, a pipe (loved the smell of many pipe tobaccos;-), tried cigars. Just couldn't get into any of them. Guess I'd rather be pickled than smoked. :-)

Side: Yes