
Debate Info

Yes, they should be allowed. No, they should not be allowed
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, they should be allowed. (3)
 No, they should not be allowed (4)

Debate Creator

jmcdfor3(6) pic

Should fast food franchises be allowed to serve in school cafeterias?

Fast food or naw? This is for a school debate. Thanks!

Yes, they should be allowed.

Side Score: 4

No, they should not be allowed

Side Score: 5
2 points

No parent would feed their child meat only fit for pet food or compost, yet meat from “old birds” is exactly what children are being served at school, as found by USA Today’s investigation. Even KFC and the Campbell Soup Company refuse to buy such meat because of quality considerations, and these corporations stopped doing so more than a decade ago – yet our children are eating this very type of questionable quality meat.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

How else are the bullies meant to get fat kids to pick on?

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Kids will love and spend plenty of money.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.

I'm not saying it fast food should be banned, but it would've nice to see some healthier choices on the cafeteria menu

Side: No, they should not be allowed

Not to mention how the general improvement of a lifestyle is something that is already taught in schools. Having a fast-food cafeteria would be contradicting the purpose of learning and bettering ourselves.

Side: No, they should not be allowed

That's a very good point .

Side: No, they should not be allowed
0 points

America has been fighting obesity for a while now, and a huge problem lies with childhood obesity. If we teach them to make healthy choices when they are younger, they will be more likely to make those same decisions later. Kids are sponges, teach them. Fast food is NOT healthy and really should just be banned in general if not made twelve times healthier.

Side: No, they should not be allowed