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Debate Score:29
Total Votes:32
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ZoeBalcombe(5) pic

Should fat woman wear bikini or not?

Wearing bikini needs much confidence, but you don't have to follow the rules when you wear a bikini. If you are fat doesn't mean you can' wear bikini. You can visit this website to see the wide variety of bikinis and also you can shop online.


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 10

She can wear whatever she wants. The greater question here is, can I, Brontoraptor, wear a bikini in public?

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes. Yes you can.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes I can what Mint tea? Race bait and demand that blacks remember the past form 150-200 years ago?;=28s

Would you say that the world would happily support the will and desires of God, or shake its fist at it? Would you say the world will happily support the Antichrist, or happily support him......

Side: No
1 point

Fat women are sexy but we can see that Mint is a racist and why is that Mint ? Do you want to close the Lane Bryant stores which cater to large women ?

Side: Yes
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Racist? Do you mean Sexist? Seriously do you not even know which general accusation to accuse someone of when you are desperately trying to point a finger?

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Probably both an why would a Leftist view women as you have done ????????

Side: Yes
1 point

I can point this particular finger. The left supports Islam, even the Christian left. And? Islam literally claims to be the beast system of the book of Revelation. It's actually why they behead and persecute Christians across the Middle East. They literally believe that Allah himself is the Beast of the Sea and the future Mahdi is the Beast of the Earth. Isn't that a messed up daisy?

Side: No
1 point

Yes, because

A) in a free country they can wear whatever a skinny girl is allowed to wear,

B) the female body is beautiful at any size, and if you disagree then look away or close your eyes, that's your problem, not hers, and

C) society let's fat hairy ugly men go completely shirtless and wear thongs, so it's hypocrisy and a double standard to make larger women completely cover.

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't think it's really a matter of of they should or shouldn't, it's their body, if they love it and feel confident in themselves why not, as long as it's in an appropriate place. I don't understand why women have to be skinny to wear certain clothes???

Side: Yes
1 point

Fat girl can ware bikini whatever they like it .Bikini is fashion that women looks like more sexy ,i thing bikini is fashionable whatever skinny or not .

In my country fat women doesn't ware bikini ,because we have been through skinny much better than fat . I hate skinny body it is not sexy i wouldn't mind fat .Every women effort getting skinny to get sexy body ,but it is awful they spend all of time diet .It is hard time to obtain dream .

Side: Yes
1 point

Does this point really need debating?

Anyone and everyone can wear a two piece item of clothing. Even a man, if they really wanted too.

Confidence is made in the mind, not through the body.

I think we should be teaching people how not to judge different body types rather than bashing them.

As far as the unhealthy portrayal goes on the body, with people being scared to let their kids see someone who is larger than them in the fear their kid will think that its okay to be unhealthy, have we really ever looked at someone who is overweight

and said '' Ahh healthy, i'm going to aspire to this''. No. We should teach kids to keep a healthy body and mind but also not to judge someone who doesn't have the same thought trail as them.

Side: Yes
1 point

Everyone has a right to wear whatever she wants to, it really depends on her. She has to be bold and dosen't have to fear of looks. Awesome brand clothes with discount codes at:

Side: Yes
0 points

As long as it's covering the essentials it doesn't matter. I don't particularly want to see it but I have my choice of looking away, if she's proud of her body then more power to her.

Side: Yes
2 points

Well, not in public where children, those of a sensitive disposition and household pets would be present.

The frightening sight of enormous rings of grotesque blubber wobbling uncontrollably from side to side would be mind changing trauma from which the aforementioned categories would never fully recover.

Fat women should be harnessed into ultra tight fitting corsets and then the strings cut so we could be entertained watching them wobble themselves to death.

Side: No
0 points

Ok your psycho, who are you to say any person can't wear what they damn well choose. What if we don't want to see you in public well you aren't going to be happy about that are you. Even if I don't like fat people even though I do you can't tell them to wear.

Side: Yes
1 point

A lot of people believe that others are overweight because of their diet, but some times is is purely genetic. And even if it wasn't why should we shame people or make them feel left out or different just because of their size? We should not determine someone's freedom based on how they look; it is messed up and frankly ignorant.

Side: Yes
2 points


Do a web search on fat women wearing bikinis. You'll find some fat models wearing bikinis and they're supposed to look ok but in reality they look terrible. Then remember that when you're out in public wearing a bikini you won't look NEARLY that good!

For the love of God don't do it!

Meanwhile, GO ON A DIET and EXERCISE!

And oh yeah, one more thing: GET OFF THE COMPUTER!

Side: No
NomsGremlin(79) Disputed
2 points

Do a web search on fat women wearing bikinis. You'll find some fat models wearing bikinis

Jesus fucking Christ Rusticus. What the hell do you look at in your spare time?

Side: Yes
amandycandie(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree. Everyone is beautiful no matter their size, and going on a diet doesn't always help. Some people are overweight because of genetics--they can't help it, and they don't need to help it because they are beautiful. Going on a diet to look skinnier for people who only care about your body would be narrow-minded. Saying that only people of average weight or below should wear bikinis is exuding a large populous, and just wouldn't be a well-thought-out or smart decision.

Side: Yes