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Debate Score:32
Total Votes:33
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Axmeister(4311) pic

Should incest be allowed?

Since we have so many people thinking homosexuality is suddenly acceptable, then what reason do we have to deny incest the same representation?


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 5

Since we have so many people thinking homosexuality is suddenly acceptable, then what reason do we have to deny incest the same representation?

The bigotry of this statement is just overwhelming. It suggests that homosexuality has ever not been "allowed" or "acceptable" by a proper moral or legal system. It is not the place of law to have any say in any transaction between adults that do not involve the rights of others. And a sexual preference of gender in no way translates into a lesser moral state. It should disturb everyone how low an appeal to emotion this is; attempting to play off of the perceived negativity of incest to make a point against homosexuality.

Side: Yes
3 points

^ This right here. Thanks for saying it so eloquently.

Side: Yes

On a CD roll today ;)

Side: Yes
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"he bigotry of this statement is just overwhelming. It suggests that homosexuality has ever not been "allowed" or "acceptable" by a proper moral or legal system."

How do you define a "proper" moral or legal system? Are you judging the whole of the past by today's morals and law?

Side: No
1 point

A proper moral or legal system is one that is consistent and achieves the utility of the people who don it.

Are you judging the whole of the past by today's morals and law?

I'm an Objectivist:

As such morality exists as an objective absolute for me. There is no "today" or "yesterday" for morality. The moral nature of things like slavery are not up to whimsical decisions, they are up for objective evaluation to be shown as something that goes against the faculty that puts man above other animals: reason.

Just laws do not infringe upon the individual utility of the people they are supposed to serve and protect. To say homosexuality is not "allowed" or "acceptable" is to suggest that laws or even society has a just claim to the consensual behavior people engage in.

Side: Yes

Depends on whether there are any rational compelling arguments against it.

I have not found a compelling argument against incest, so for now I see no reason to disallow it.

Side: Yes

In some cultures, incest is the tradition in order to preserve the royal lineage the clan holds dear. If it concerns 2 harmonious couples and each are ready for the commitment without causing further chaos then yes, it would be alright.

Side: Yes

For years, both have been extremely taboo given the traditonal act of sex. Both will occur whether legal or not, so as long as two individual are consenting adults, there is no harm.

Side: Yes
2 points

I doesn't matter whether it is allowed or not. It will continue to happen.

Side: Yes
2 points

If it doesn't negatively effect me... I don't care.... get it on with your sister.

Side: Yes
1 point

Dude you are now like my new favorite :).

Side: Yes
1 point

Oh? Thanks Lady... that means a lot.

Side: Yes
2 points

yes . we are not dictators to tell people what they should or shouldn't do

Side: Yes
1 point

If we allow homosexuality it would make us hypocrites for not allowing incest relationship. Love is love, someone would prefer to be with a family member whoever it is.

Birth defects? The risk of birth defects is also real with women over 40, do we just tell them that they are not allowed to have children?

When allowing incest we should primary look at the relationship part of it. The potential risks can be talked between two consenting people who do incest not the government.

Not all incest leads to child birth. Plenty would want to take part in incest but without the risk, but they still want incest. You can wear protection and do other things that would avoid getting pregnant.

I do not see how it would ruin the family. If let's say you have sex with your mom, your mom being your mom does not disappear you will still see your mom as your mom regardless of the amount sex you have with her.

And in some cases the sex might even make the relationship between relatives stronger.

Like in the traditional view sex is seen as the ultimate showcase of love. Basically that one would only have sex with someone one loves. This would make incest completely rational as you are basically showing how much you do love your relative.

Also incest is already allowed in many countries, even if it is frowned upon. It is more likely that incest would be legalized where it is still illegal than to deny it.

Being disgusted is not an argument but your view. I might hate gabbage but I am not going to make it illegal. I think smoking is really bad for you but I also believe that you are responsible of your life not me.

If you want to engage in incest it should be allowed as long as both parties involved agree to the act.

Side: Yes
1 point

i would have to say no because if incest is allowed. How can we say rape and mollestation is legal. If incest is allowed imagine what would happen to amercas population. How wwould we control the age of consent. plus it has been proven insect that result in birth defeacts in children. I am bisexual but incest is just wrong!!

Side: No
0 points

i would have to say no because if incest is allowed. How can we say rape and mollestation is legal.

You forget the part where this is only talking about consensual incest. Rape and molestation are non consensual, plus they cause a great deal of psychological trauma as well as physical abuse in many cases. That's why rape and molestation would not be legalized, if incest were legalized.

How wwould we control the age of consent.

Incest does not affect the age of consent. Legalization only applies to closely related consenting adults.

plus it has been proven insect that result in birth defeacts in children

Okay, what about all the people with mental retardation and genetic defects who will pass down their genes? Should we disallow them from reproducing too? To apply this line of logic to incestuous couples, and not mentally retarded or genetically crippled couples is inconsistent.

If you want to disallow incestuous couples from reproducing, then screen test everybody for genetic defects to see what the chances are of them having a genetically defective child.

I am bisexual but incest is just wrong!!

How is it wrong? This just looks like personal opinion. You can't stop someone from doing something, just because you dislike it.

Side: Yes
rockerstar(30) Disputed
1 point

How are we to say what is consentual? If we allow incest how are we to stop people from thinking its fine to have sex with there children. I don't thimk mentally and physical birth defects should be allowed to reproduce. I see your point that it really is my oppinion ok and I am entitled to it.

Side: No

The bloodline is too close and the offspring could be born with disabilities.

Side: No

It's not for me, but if liberals of legal age want to, it's their business. They're not gonna stop at same sex and pedophilia, family members are next on the slate as well as your family pets. Watch out- They are insatiable!

Side: No