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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 No! (6)

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Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Should mothers be forced to stay at home and look after the children?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6

I feel that they should not be forced but they should consider having to take care of the children. I have seen cases where the parents end up working and they leave their child in a daycare or with a maid and what happens is that the child is not social with the parents anymore. This leads the child not to care for the parents when the child is older because the parents didnt care about the child when the child was younger. Parents should invest the time that they want the kids to invest in them when the parents get older.

Side: Yes!

No I don't think so. I support long maternity/paternity leave, however after the age of 2-3 children benefit more by going to daycare and play with others, than stay at home alone with adults.

And plus if one parent has to stay at home, it doesn't have to be the mother. The father can just as easily stay at home as well. It's all about what the given family wants or finds most practical.

Side: No!
1 point

Should Fathers be forced to stay at home and look after the kids? Of course not. No one should be. In today's society most families can't afford one income support. If you can and want to, that's great but creating such a sexist rule by forcing a certain gender, be it male or female, to not have a choice is a step back in the wrong direction.

Side: No!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You Leftist never give up do you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes!
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

I think this bots programming is a bit off today haha.

Side: No!
1 point

No one should be.

- If no one supports the kids then who will? You? If no one take cares of the child, the child will grow up anti social and distant from the parents

In today's society most families can't afford one income support

- What statistics and proof do you have to back this up?

Side: Yes!
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

- If no one supports the kids then who will? You? If no one take cares of the child, the child will grow up anti social and distant from the parents

I think you posted that to the wrong person, I actually think that's not correct. Both parents working doesn't mean the kid isn't supported or taken care of or loved. So to me, that's a ridiculous statement.

What statistics and proof do you have to back this up?

A combination of experience and numbers. Feel free to look it up on google too, I'm sure there are pro's and con's to single-income. I know our bills (and we live frugally) still don't allow for a single income and my husband doesn't make a small amount. Where he works also doesn't offer medical/dental insurance. My job covers that.

Side: No!
1 point

The mother should not be forced to stay home but all women (an men for that matter) should receive education in developmental psychology. Women traditionally in nature are the primary care givers or officially the Monotropy/monotropic bond. This provides a point of stability and security for the child to explore and develop fully. Men are not as effective primary care givers as women (for starters we cannot produce them or feed them in early infancy) and thus this pattern is followed by the large majority of nature and not just in or genetic relatives. However in modern and wealthy societies men can be as effective as women with the help of consumer products and technology so while woman in traditional and undeveloped countries should (this may sound fairly cold) be forced to stay home and look after the child those in more modern societies may not have to be.

Side: No!