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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should sex offenders have to register?


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I don't feel you should forever be judged based on a single crime. If they have to register, it's basically being said, we know you committed a sexual crime, and although we are no longer sentencing you, we're not forgiving you of this sin.

I don't feel a person who steals once should be banned from all stores, I don't feel a person who murders should be killed (not right away, but that's something else entirely) so I don't feel a person who committed a sexual crime should be treated like he's forever committing that crime.

The court may not be judging or sentencing him anymore, but the civilian populace definitely will. Look at the movie "Little Children". It was blown up to some slightly larger proportions for the dramatic effect, but what happened with the pedophile was basically what would happen to any sexual offender by the people. They'd shun him, treat him like an animal, and some might even enact their own street justice on him feeling the courts didn't punish him harsh enough, all for a crime he committed once.

I'd also like to add, that everyone labeled a sexual offender is actually deserving of that title. If you have sex with your at the time illegal girlfriend, why you are an adult, with an age difference of maybe 3 to 5 years, you would be labeled as such.

If you should whip your dick out, and pee, while outside, and should happen to get caught, you would be labeled as such.

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