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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 For (6)
 against (5)

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amna_OG(11) pic

Should students continue study abroad ?

Nowadays, many people like to continue their studies outside their countries because they think that education in other countries is better than in their own countries .In my country, many students continue their studies overseas.In my opinion ,contiue study in our country is better than studying abroad.We have so many universities and collages ,which have different specialities .Also I prefer to study in our country ,because the cost of living in other countries is quite expensive.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 6
1 point

Studying abroad provides great opportunities of personnality development. You meet different kinds of people with different languages, different cultures and different traditions; this enriches your own thoughts and develops your way of thinking. It broadens your horizons and shows you different aspects of life matters that you may never see if you just stay in your home country.

Side: For
Nox0(1393) Clarified
1 point

Depends what are you studying and where .

Side: For

Studying abroad gives you more opportunities of careers , and you will learn many different things .

Side: For

Studing abroad will help you how to face these life, and fece you enemy's bravely, It will let you know other culture in order to take the advantages things and leave the disadvantages.

Side: For
1 point

I think that students need to study abroad , because in this situation they will get more opportunities to have a good careers and they will have a good language which will help them in their jobs , i also think that students who study abroad attend to be more responsible.

finally ((it will change your life , and you will come back a new person))

Side: For
1 point

I think studing abroad is a unique life changing experience that will help you grow academically, personally and prepare you for your career. And more benefits in these website:

Side: For
1 point

study abroad will get a good experience to meet different nationality and different cultures. also to be a responsible person on your life

Side: For
1 point

Which is 'your country'????????

Side: against
1 point

i think study inside better Because sometimes alienation be harmful If specialization is in the state also The Foreign missions cost a lot of money If specialization exists in the state, there is no need to travel abroad

Side: against
1 point

I'm with you Afra in the point of if the specialization exists in the state,you should not leave your family and friends , may be you cant deal with different people.

Side: against
1 point

I think we were born in this kind of life to build our story line by ourselves. Our country has to be our priority as long it always provides us all the things we need.

Side: against
1 point

Yes, Noor. our country has the a priority to continue the study in the country. and after graduation contribute to develope the country

Side: against