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Should get paid Shouldn't get paid
Debate Score:159
Total Votes:199
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 Should get paid (29)
 Shouldn't get paid (45)

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Bobguy123(17) pic

Should students get paid to go to school?

I am doing this debate for school. I'm the crown. I need your help this helps my education.

Should get paid

Side Score: 76

Shouldn't get paid

Side Score: 83
5 points

You are paid, with a wealth of knowledge. You now can take that knowledge to the world at large and, use it to make money if you like, help others, start a family, whatever you want.

If the real grown-up world worked so charmingly you'd not hear anyone complain so go fucking study.

Side: Should get paid
5 points

Students should get paid for their education, my friend in Finland at the moment is getting paid to go to college. My reasoning for this probably because the government probably saves money paying students to go to school rather than supporting drop-outs on welfare.

Side: Should get paid
5 points

The economy is moving into a knowledge based one, improving on the amount and number of grants will likly benifit us in the long run by allowing for more social mobility and more graduates letting us better compete in the long run. If so, then goverment can tax the additional income into the country and possibly make a profit off of their investment since 35% of a few billon or trillion a year will pay for a decent amount of grants and then some; even after considering the time value of money so long as the turn over isn't too long.

Side: Should get paid
3 points

If everyone has a degree how does that make for better competition. Whats the difference if there are twenty highly educated people applying for a job or two hundred highly educated people if only one is going to get it. It seems to me to be a waste of everyones money (especially tax payers)to fund insane amounts of peoples education if no one can get a job with it. What we could do with all that tax payer "education" money is put it towards funding entrepreneurial enterprises or in other words encouraging people to start their own businesses and you don't usually need a masters to do that.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

The businesses of the future, even small ones, will be knowledge based and the labor competition will be amongst countries. The number of degree holding workers in this country compared to others will be a major factor in what type of insourcing we can do.

The service and distribution based economy can only be so big, and even it is being monopolized to some degree; causing higher barriers to entry.

Side: Should get paid
5 points

i hate school and since it is a law that u got to go school you should get paid and at least make it worth it for students who don't like school

Side: Should get paid
Belma(229) Disputed
1 point

Do you realize that not everyone hates school? If it was a choice for you to go to school what would you do? Drop out? If you did, you'd regret it later in life. You wouldn't have a job.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
4 points

We should get paid to go to schol because we go to school 8 hours a day and on Friday should be our payday. I think it would be a good idea to get paid to go to school.

Side: Should get paid
Jmase Disputed
3 points

Well considering your lack of grammar I would say it was too late for you anyway. Education is the most important thing, without it we would still be in the stone age - you should see yourself as privileged. In so many developing countries all manner of people would give anything they own just for an education, look at the reality in front of your face and buck-up, if you want money then get a job.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
Belma(229) Disputed
1 point

Maybe you go to schools 8 hours a day but i don't. We are not working at all. The teachers are working for us.

Side: Shouldn't get paid

Yes they should. If you think about it most kids don't want to be there and its 6 hours a day or more. Thats a part time job. They should be paid at least minimum wage.

Side: Should get paid
4 points

Students work hard to get to the grade they are at and could get easily discouraged when they see other students skipping school. They might even start acting like those students that they see are skipping school. However, if the students that skip school are paid to go to school they would most likely start going back to school and become better students. The students that already go to school regularly would be rewarded for not skipping. Also, not many students can easily afford to buy what they want, when they want. If students got paid to go to school, that might help them with problems at home like bills that can't be paid, being able to afford a college, and be able to learn how to handle money more wisely.

Side: Should get paid
Rosenley(2) Disputed
1 point

here's another thing to thing about, where would the money come from? also you know you have to pay income tax too.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
4 points

Give me points please I will give you points and money this and chow for now bye bye

Side: Should get paid
4 points

Yes duh they work hard to it like a job and tests are stressful care to argue other side

Side: Should get paid
3 points

watch this video its not that good because its says what i have to say.

Side: Should get paid
2 points

Yes thanks for reading this note yes thanks for reading this note yes thanks for reading this note yes thanks for reading this note yes thanks for reading this note yes this note will self destruct in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 bye bye

Side: Should get paid
2 points

if adults get payed for doing work than students should get payed for doing work!

Side: Should get paid
1 point

we should get paid because we are doing work like adults. it would only be fair because people who ditch school need a reason to come and do their work.

Side: Should get paid
1 point

i think we should get paid because if we do do good in school ,yes it would make much sense

Side: Should get paid
1 point

FUCK U ALL ..............................................IM SMART AND I KNOW....................................................................................................................

Side: Should get paid
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Oh crap! We got another psycho on our hands!

Side: Shouldn't get paid
y4er5tyjk(3) Disputed
0 points

shit cant nooooooooooob psyco? u DA PSYCO DICKHEAD ASSHOLE SHIT CUNT 2013 WAS HERE!!!!

Side: Should get paid
1 point

Why is this even controversial? We all know that people react better to incentives than to coercion. As it stands, it's up to parents to provide incentives for their kids to do well in school.

A promise of a good future is not much of an incentive. Most kids are short-sighted, see no point in doing something just because the grown-ups say so, and want real fulfillment immediately, not "someday". If you're wondering why kids half-ass assignments, sleep or talk during class, pick on other kids, and eventually drop out of school altogether, with no form of punishment having any real effect, well, why do you think communism failed as an economic system? Kids get shuffled around to go here or go there or do this or do that, most legitimate forms of stress relief are banned from schools (which is what leads to bullying as one of the few options left), everything they can do is on the terms of people much older than they are, and real growth and learning is limited. If a governments wants its kids to go out of their way to sit around, listen to adults drone on about random stuff, and then go home and read and answer questions about stuff that they don't give two fucks about, then giving them real, short-term rewards is the least it can do.

College is different because people choose to attend that. No one (at least under a certain age) chooses to attend school before that, and laws requiring them to attend is not how society can hope to get the most out of its education system possible.

Side: Should get paid
1 point

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Side: Should get paid
1 point

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Side: Should get paid
1 point

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Side: Should get paid
0 points


Side: Should get paid
0 points

The economy is moving into a knowledge based one, improving on the amount and number of grants will likly benifit us in the long run by allowing for more social mobility and more graduates letting us better compete in the long run. If so, then goverment can tax the additional income into the country and possibly make a profit off of their investment since 35% of a few billon or trillion a year will pay for a decent amount of grants and then some; even after considering the time value of money so long as the turn over isn't too long.

Side: Should get paid
0 points


Side: Should get paid
0 points


Side: Should get paid
0 points


Side: Should get paid
Belma(229) Disputed
1 point

Shut up. You have no clever comments. Why would you even join this site.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
0 points

Yes cuz of deez nuts and 21 with Labron James and some tasty water mellon

Side: Should get paid
-1 points

we should get payed the same amount as adults do ($10 an hour at least) so we can help pay bills and other things when our family and friends are at their most vulnerable!

Side: Should get paid
5 points

My biggest objection to this is that there would be no way to create a fair system for payment. Sure our grading system is based on the idea that A's are the best (in this argument should receive the most money) and F's are the worst (maybe these students should have to pay the teacher). However, I've experienced plenty of times where my grade didn't properly represent the effort, learning, or valuable skills that I gained in a class. Were there a way to accurately measure these facts and then provide payment based on this I might consider it.

However, I would still be hesitant, because we generally pay people to do things that we are either unable or unwilling to do. I personally believe that there are many people who would like nothing better than to go to class and learn every day. Where would we draw the line on paying students? Would we pay them in elementary school, high school, college, for the rest of their lives?

Side: Shouldn't get paid

What exactly is a student producing? you pay a person who makes a product or provides a service, does a student do either of those things? who does a student work for? In other words who is going to write the check (ie. pay ) for these students? Is it the government (ie. tax payers or in other words your parents), or teachers. should they be doing their job out of the kindness of their heart so you can get money.

If students were getting paid to be in school, which is a luxury not a right, what would be the incentive to ever leave? And if no one ever left who do all the other jobs that need doing?

Don't get me wrong I hate the school system, I think its completely unnecessary and full of propaganda. I don't like it that students and their parents get in trouble for not going and that our society looks at people who choose not to pursue half a lifetime of schooling as somehow lazy or undedicated but I think Its ridicules to ask for money for something that is a service provided to YOU. If anything you should be paying for it.

Side: Shouldn't get paid

No? What kind of question is this?

Side: Shouldn't get paid
4 points

I have never heard anything so abusurd. If anything kids should pay the schools. They should get part time jobs in high school...which would teach them responsiblity and that most things that are achieved and acquired come from hard work. If anyone in the work place is underpaid its our teachers. And if anyone should get money it should be them.

Like another poster said get paid for producing a product or service.......students do neither.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

I totally agreed that students shouldn't get paid to go to school because this is not a job yet. School are just to gain some an education. If for any reason we pay students to go to school they will just staying for ever in school so they can get pay for it , in other words ( a job at school).

In conclusion, we may not let students get pay for attending at school because the wont appreciate the education, just the pay.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

Some students don't even want to go to school for they can see so many things that they could be doing with their time such as Xbox. It is one of the only things that boys at my school talk about. Paying someone for not liking school isn't setting a very good example. However I could understand it if schools began to pay small amounts to people for outstanding academic achievement or effort.

Another reason is that England is currently in a credit crunch.

Side: Should get paid
3 points

Whoa... Really? Then who will pay the schools. Your school must be a jackass to have asked this. One word- LAME!

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

So on top of the shrinking school budgets you wan't to pay students to go to a free public school? If something like that ever happens and they have less money one year and students don't get paid they'll feel less motivated to go versus the idea that they need an education. Even if the students get paid they parents will be in charge of the money they receive. It makes no difference. The promise of a better future should be a payoff itself.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

Students definitely should not be paid to go to school. One who is going to pay for this , and 2 what are we showing them by having to get paid to go to school. When you get to college your paying to go to school and they could care less if you go or not.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

i think they should not, students would end up having to pay income tax and school is a privlidge

Side: Shouldn't get paid
3 points

they should not get paid it hard to even pay for what needs to be paid for. not wasting money that we don't have for something stupid like this. when I was in school my teacher gave us candy and other stuff for being good not by asking for it. it was coming out of her own pay. I even told her that she does not have to give us this for being good when it my job to be good anyway.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
2 points

Education is a privilege. It takes money to hire great teachers and pay for supplies and other school expenses.

It's one thing for school to be free, but to get paid for going to school is absolutely ludicrous.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
2 points

Anyway attending school is both a privilege and an obligation. If you live in a western country and are under 17 years of age, chances are that the law requires you to attend school, and whether or not you like taking part in the educational process makes no difference at all. Yet being able to attend school is also a privilege, because if you were living in any number of Third World countries, you would probably find yourself slaving away in a sweatshop instead; so count yourself very fortunate. You should not expect to be paid because you attend school, but you can expect to eventually receive a reasonably well-paying job, if you take your education seriously.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
2 points

they will get greety and selfish and they dont want to be your friends and then they are buttheads

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

no they sn=hould not because schools will run out of money

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

no they sn=hould not because schools will run out of money

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

no they sn=hould not because schools will run out of money

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

no they sn=hould not because schools will run out of money

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

no cuz of deez nuts and 21 with Labron James and some tasty water mellon

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

This is retarded. Taxpayers pay for school. There is no money for this.

Also, there's no "demand" for schoolchildren. No one requires them for a service.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

No. The school pays for your education. The books, the teachers, the computers, ect. We should pay elementary schools, middle, and high schools. Why would we pay if we are the one's benefiting from school?

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

First of all, it's bad for the economy. If students were paid to go to school then the teachers won't get paid, then the schools will run out of teachers and then the schools will shut down. You don't want that to happen, don't you? In addition, if the students get paid to go to school then there won't be enough money for excursions for the students. I know I'm exaggerating, but then there won't be any more schools left if they all try the idea.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Kids should not get paid to go school cause some can't pay that amount of money and that bad for the kids education

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

1.Once You Start It's Hard to Stop. ...

2.It Encourages Them to Overwork. ...

3.Kids Who Aren't Getting Paid Will Feel Inferior. ...

4.Rewards Demean the Excitement of a Task. ...

5.They Will Feel Entitled to a Payout. ...

6.You'll Become THAT Parent. ...

7.Your Child Will Become THAT Kid.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Paying students for good grades leads to practical problems in their classrooms, including pressure to inflate grades and conflict with students and parents.” This means students are more likely to be in bad moods and have bad relationships with parents and classmates.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

First of all, schools should not pay students for good grades because they can lose their motivation to learn. Edward Deci says, “Most children are by nature motivated to learn,”. This can lead to no interest in learning. The effect of this is the child not paying attention in class. After not paying attention in class they don’t know what to do. When they don’t know what to do, they tend to not do the assignment or turn the assignment in late, but turning it in late or not doing it can lead to adverse scores. If you have adverse scores you can get held back or it can be tough for you to get accepted into really great schools. To sum up, kids can lose natural motivation in learning

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

“Do I get a reward for going to school?” asked a student from the Vons Middle School. “ You can get an a reward, but only if you get good grades,” answers the student’s parents. Students usually get awards for good grades, but what the parent doesn’t know is that paying a child can lead to a few problems. A few of the reasons why schools should not pay students is because they lack of motivation. Another reason is because they tend to cheat. Lastly, paying students will only help in the short run not the long run. Paying a student is a horrible idea because it takes the motivation of learning from a student, they can cheat, and it only helps in the short run.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Donc, en plus de la diminution des budgets scolaires, vous ne voulez pas payer les étudiants pour qu'ils fréquentent une école publique gratuite ? Si quelque chose comme ça arrive et qu'ils ont moins d'argent une année et que les étudiants ne sont pas payés, ils se sentiront moins motivés à partir, contrairement à l'idée qu'ils ont besoin d'une éducation. Même si les étudiants sont payés, leurs parents seront responsables de l'argent qu'ils recevront. Ça ne fait aucune différence. La promesse d’un avenir meilleur devrait être une récompense en soi.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Ma plus grande objection à cela est qu’il n’y aurait aucun moyen de créer un système de paiement équitable. Bien sûr, notre système de notation est basé sur l'idée que les A sont les meilleurs (dans cet argument, ils devraient recevoir le plus d'argent) et les F sont les pires (peut-être que ces étudiants devraient payer l'enseignant). Cependant, j'ai connu de nombreuses fois où ma note ne représentait pas correctement l'effort, l'apprentissage ou les compétences précieuses que j'avais acquises en classe. Y avait-il un moyen de mesurer avec précision ces faits et ensuite de fournir un paiement sur cette base, je pourrais l'envisager.

Cependant, j'hésiterais encore, car nous payons généralement des gens pour faire des choses que nous ne pouvons pas ou ne voulons pas faire. Personnellement, je crois qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui n'aimerait rien de mieux que d'aller en classe et d'apprendre tous les jours. Où pourrions-nous fixer la limite concernant le paiement des étudiants ? Les passerons-nous à l'école primaire, secondaire, collégiale, pour le reste de leur vie

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Que produit exactement un étudiant ? vous payez une personne qui fabrique un produit ou fournit un service, un étudiant fait-il l'une ou l'autre de ces choses ? pour qui travaille un étudiant ? En d’autres termes, qui va faire le chèque (c’est-à-dire payer) pour ces étudiants ? Est-ce le gouvernement (c'est-à-dire les contribuables ou en d'autres termes vos parents) ou les enseignants. devraient-ils faire leur travail par bonté de cœur pour que vous puissiez gagner de l'argent.

Si les étudiants étaient payés pour aller à l’école, ce qui est un luxe et non un droit, quelle serait l’incitation à les quitter ? Et si personne ne partait, qui ferait tous les autres travaux à accomplir ?

Ne vous méprenez pas, je déteste le système scolaire, je pense qu'il est complètement inutile et plein de propagande. Je n'aime pas que les étudiants et leurs parents aient des ennuis s'ils n'y vont pas et que notre société considère les gens qui choisissent de ne pas poursuivre leurs études pendant la moitié de leur vie comme des paresseux ou des non-dévoués, mais je pense que c'est ridicule de demander de l'argent pour quelque chose. c'est un service qui VOUS est fourni. Si quoi que ce soit, vous devriez payer pour cela

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Je n'ai jamais rien entendu d'aussi abusif. Au contraire, les enfants devraient payer les écoles. Ils devraient trouver un emploi à temps partiel au lycée... ce qui leur apprendrait le sens des responsabilités et le fait que la plupart des choses qui sont réalisées et acquises proviennent d'un travail acharné. Si quelqu’un sur le lieu de travail est sous-payé, ce sont nos enseignants. Et si quelqu’un devait recevoir de l’argent, ce devrait être lui.

Comme l'a dit une autre affiche ici... vous êtes payé pour produire un produit ou un service.......les étudiants ne font ni l'un ni l'autre.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Quoi qu’il en soit, fréquenter l’école est à la fois un privilège et une obligation. Si vous vivez dans un pays occidental et avez moins de 17 ans, il est probable que la loi vous oblige à fréquenter l'école, et que vous aimiez ou non participer au processus éducatif ne fait aucune différence. Pourtant, pouvoir fréquenter l’école est aussi un privilège, car si vous viviez dans un certain nombre de pays du tiers monde, vous vous retrouverez probablement à travailler dans un atelier clandestin ; alors considérez-vous très chanceux. Vous ne devriez pas vous attendre à être payé parce que vous fréquentez l’école, mais vous pouvez vous attendre à recevoir un emploi raisonnablement bien rémunéré si vous prenez vos études au sérieux.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
1 point

Je suis tout à fait d'accord sur le fait que les étudiants ne devraient pas être payés pour aller à l'école parce que ce n'est pas encore un travail. L'école sert juste à acquérir une éducation. Si, pour une raison quelconque, nous payons des étudiants pour qu'ils aillent à l'école, ils y resteront pour toujours afin de pouvoir obtenir un salaire, en d'autres termes (un travail à l'école).

En conclusion, nous ne pouvons pas permettre aux étudiants d’être payés pour fréquenter l’école parce qu’ils n’apprécient pas l’éducation, seulement le salaire.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
0 points

As much as I'd have loved to be paid when I went to school, in all seriousness I don't think being paid to go to school is a view I'm likely support in today or yesteryear's climate (as I can't speak for the future) my current view at the moment is... No. Students shouldn't get paid to go to school.

School is to teach students that the importance of knowledge is what will get you rewarded with payment in later years when you seek and find a career that will pay dividends.

A school ethos is if you learn 'stuff' whilst in school, you get a job, with this job you will be eligible to get paid- whether this is true or false is another matter.

Side: Shouldn't get paid
0 points

And who plans on paying for it? .

Side: Shouldn't get paid
0 points


Side: Shouldn't get paid
0 points

jkabdhiqwubsfuvbiqktegfvbaihkdbv;qigovdw scnhbfvec jkbqefvajc kbqvgkih djsl ckbwgvn dchgvd cnfbhvakgh;vkafbvhav jbgdkbndvkjga

Side: Shouldn't get paid