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agree disagree
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 agree (2)

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adel(25) pic

Should students use phone in the school?

           The smartphones has made the world a smaller place and has made it much easier to communicate with others. All things in the life has Positives and negatives. All people have different ideas about using phone in the school some people think using phone in the school  is good and other people think that is not good.However, people that overuse the smartphones are taking big risk. Many believe that bad things only happen to other people.The truth is that overusing or abusing, the smartphones can.



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

Yes because that may help them on learning. but they should focus on studying instead of playing by the phones

Side: agree
0 points

Yes because that may help them on learning. but they should focus on studying instead of playing by the phones

Side: agree
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