
Debate Info

Pro-Nuclear No-Nuclear
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Pro-Nuclear (1)

Debate Creator

DrChamberlin(145) pic

Should the United States eventually go all in on Nuclear power?

I've been trying to address this with a few other people over the last moth, as it's come to my attention that some more advancements have been coming in the field of Nuclear power.

And seeing as this has come up in the age of politicians clambering on about global warming, going green and the such. I thought that I'd get a nice gauge of just what other people thought the United State's direction should eventually be on this sort of thing.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
2 points

Should the United States eventually go all in on Nuclear power?

Hello Dr:

Yeah.. There's been lots of advancements. It's much safer now.. Something to do with keeping the rods cool.


Side: Pro-Nuclear
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