
Debate Info

Pro Death Penalty Against Death Penalty
Debate Score:148
Total Votes:204
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 Pro Death Penalty (52)
 Against Death Penalty (53)

Debate Creator

kandice(21) pic

Should the death penalty be used as punishment for specific crimes?

Should we be allowed to use the death penalty as punishment for severe crimes?  
*Consider the money we use to house and feed inmates every year
*Consider the crimes committed 
*Consider that tax money is being used from citizens to care for inmates
*Consider alternate methods to the death penalty- are there better ways to handle crimes other than the death penalty?
*How many people are being punished with death penalty?
*How severe does a crime need to be to give someone the death penalty?

Pro Death Penalty

Side Score: 81

Against Death Penalty

Side Score: 67
2 points

Yes, for being in charge of 15 amp fuse wire hair, wide fanned nostrils and big fat rubber lips.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

yes i think it should because, if they put someone in jail for murder and the release then soon after they could just do the same again. that why they should

Side: Pro Death Penalty
kandice(21) Disputed
1 point

What if they receive a life sentence instead? This means they would live the rest of their life in jail, not enjoying life. Isn't that punishment enough? This would prevent them from being released to commit the crime again, and still giving them the punishment of life in jail.

Side: Against Death Penalty
2 points

yes i agree it should be life in prison they cant get out if killing is what they did why would you kill for killing? if you kill doesn't that make you a murder too?

Side: Against Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
1 point

They could kill the people that are about to get out so they don't

cause they are mad that they get to live

Side: Pro Death Penalty
teddybear(10) Disputed
1 point

While I see your point, many murderers are given life sentences yet somehow got released later on and began killing people again...check this out for reference:

Side: Pro Death Penalty
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

News flash. People escape from prison. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Also, the majority of violent crime is the result of repeat offenders. How would feel if someone was released from prison, then killed someone you loved? Bet you'd be singing a different tune then.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

the death penalty inherently violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection under the law.

Supporting Evidence: HI see my link click it ------> (
Side: Pro Death Penalty
190396889(5) Disputed
1 point

its that you people think that killing is right cause its not it help nothing and it causes pain

Side: Against Death Penalty
kandice(21) Disputed
5 points

But these people that committed a crime caused pain. Wouldn't it be fair for them to receive punishment that fits their crime? Otherwise, we are paying millions of dollars every year to pay for people in jail to have food, water, clothing, television, and other things that they do not deserve if they have committed a horrible crime, such as murder.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
2 points

you would be OK if someone killed you and your family is sad but they can still see them

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1300117288(14) Disputed
2 points

It wouldn't be ok for someone who is a murder was set free, and has not learn nothing. Yes killing can cause pain and sadness, but stopping it can end your problems

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

Yes!Like the bombing in Boston was a serious crime and Dzhokar Tsarnaev had to pay the time and was sent to a death penalty,because he bombed the Boston Marathon

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point


Side: Pro Death Penalty
2 points

Even though i do agree with you, there are other crimes to get death penalty other than murder.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1400134743(1) Disputed
0 points

no it would make every thing worst for there family if you died for something bad butt could still live don't need to died one killed you for something

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

death pen·al·ty

the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime.

Every year, 1,000,000 and more people die a year because of crimes, and most people don't get the justice they deserve. only 20 people just last year got death penalty. The things that are wanted for death penalty are espionage, treason, and death resulting from aircraft hijacking. However, they mostly consist of various forms of murder such as murder committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting, murder during a kidnapping, murder for hire, and genocide. I believe the government should not let most criminals get away with these crimes, and instead use the death penalty for them. If the people got out of jail who commits these crimes, they might do it again.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

death penalty in the USA is a legal penalty and you pay 1.26 million for the person that is going to get a death penalty and case with out death penalty cost 740,000.maintaining each of death row prisoner taxpayers more than 90,000 per year. so yes if you want to take someone down

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

We should'nt take someone down and your money argument should'nt be the base of their opinion about killing an inmate.

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

people who do these crimes it can end someones life and they need that punishment for doing these crimes

Side: Pro Death Penalty
0 points

i agree, the murders need a punishment for killing people

Side: Pro Death Penalty
190429619(6) Disputed
1 point

yeah life in jail if they are in jail for the rest of their life they would die from really old age

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

yes because they did some thing really bad for them to deserve the death penalty also used for specific crime such as murder/ murder means when you kill another person by another

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

Yes i think we should have to death penalty cause if one of the criminal gets out of jail they could murder someone again and families have been haunted cause of that

Side: Pro Death Penalty
190429619(6) Disputed
1 point

one way or another they are going to die in jail if they have life in prison

Side: Against Death Penalty

I always get a laugh at the Left wing phonies who have crocodile tears for mass murderers on death row, while they support No Restriction abortions for ALL innocent babies up to birth.

You can not make this stuff up! How can Liberals live in such hypocritical denial of what they support?

Side: Pro Death Penalty

I think so. I support the humane version of the death penalty for certain crimes, especially if the victim is a child.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Hey ally,

I understand that you care for the children but let me dispute you that there's no humane version of death penalty, killing can only be 'less' or 'more' cruel yet it is always cruel. There's nothing humane when we let an imperfect person cries out without having mercy, there's nothing humane with a killer who can't forgive and shout nothing but vengeance. There's nothing humane with that.

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

The death penalty cn be human............................................................................

Side: Pro Death Penalty

If not for any medical conditions and if not as an act of self defense, Any crime that directly or indirectly kills people should be given the punishment of death penalty imo..

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Why would you rather choose punishment rather than solving the problem? this two are different. You cannot produce any good result on punishment

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

Why would you rather choose punishment rather than solving the problem? this two are different. You cannot produce any good result on punishment

It's from a perspective of morality, that I'm talking about. Punishment, as death penalty in this case, is a very certain solution to the problem of "specific crimes" as mentioned.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

Yes, the death penalty should be used as a punishment for malicious murderers, as they should be paid back with what they deserve and for the safety of our society. For example, a criminal who has murdered multiple people deserves a death penalty, as he/she has destroyed the person's life and ultimately the people close to them (friends, family, etc.). In many cases, criminals have been released from jail, only to repeat the same crime and cause more damage.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

A man was sentenced to hang for stealing a horse. He told the judge it wasn't fair to be hanged for stealing a horse. The judge told him he wasn't being hanged for stealing a horse. He was being hanged so horses won't be stolen.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

For something truly hideous, that is as much a horror as it is a crime, that even a police investigator would scream at, then yes.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
0 points

The death penalty in the United States is used almost exclusively for the crime of murder. Although state and federal statutes contain various capital crimes other than those involving the death of the victim, only two people were on death row for a non-murder offense (Patrick Kennedy and Richard Davis in Louisiana) when the U.S. Supreme Court addressed this issue in 2008

Supporting Evidence: the punishment of death penalty (
Side: Pro Death Penalty
narutohi(8) Disputed
3 points

yes that why the death penalty should not be used they killed innocence people for something they did not do

Side: Against Death Penalty
1300117288(14) Disputed
1 point

than what if the innocent was actually the murder, and had just lied to u in ur face just to get out of a situation, we should always be careful on what u guys think

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1500159934(11) Disputed
1 point

first of all the death penalty is legal in florida iadho georgia not all states use them broo

Side: Against Death Penalty
3 points

yes butt it makes you a murder too? right answer that broo

Side: Against Death Penalty
1300117288(14) Disputed
2 points

Yes not all states use them, but its another way of punishment

Side: Pro Death Penalty
190458213(8) Disputed
1 point

As of August 2017, capital punishment is legal in 31 US states. Not just Florida, Idaho, And Georgia.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
0 points

people who take another persons life should face their consequences even if that means sentenced to death 100,000 thousand people tie from other people killing them

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Punishment won't solve anything right bro

Side: Against Death Penalty
1500159934(11) Disputed
-1 points

even if that person takes another persons life and you give them the death penalty the person who gets the death penalty will diee

Side: Against Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
0 points

So they don't kill anyone else and your family would not understand why the person that killed you is still alive and he killed you

Side: Pro Death Penalty
-2 points
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Oh come on bro you could have posted on the other side to add on our total points ,inshort this is a nice argument. The criminal and the government are not different in their ways

Side: Against Death Penalty
4 points

No A Crime Is A Crime You Committed The Crime You Do The Time Everyone Who Does A Crime Needs A Punishment

Side: Against Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
1 point

when other people kill other people and know that they are killing them they deserve to die

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

So the executioner deserve death,they kill a killer now they became a killer.

Side: Against Death Penalty
2 points

Consider the money we use to house and feed inmates every year

Believe it or not, the cost of executing an inmate is often more than the cost of keeping them alive. Most of this cost goes into extensive legal processes, which can and often do drag on for decades.

Consider the crimes committed

Regardless of the crime, regardless of whether or not I personally lose sleep at night because we execute someone who is the lowest of criminals, their previous crimes do not justify our own bloodlust. I do not begrudge an individual to seek revenge; the state should not have that kind of authority.

Consider that tax money is being used from citizens to care for inmates

Covered in the first paragraph.

Consider alternate methods to the death penalty- are there better ways to handle crimes other than the death penalty?

Yes, absolutely. Let them rot in prison until they die of old age, let their years waste away while being stuck in a box. If I were in that situation, and knew I would be for the rest of my life, I'd probably want to die anyway.

How many people are being punished with death penalty?

If the Death Penalty Information Center is to be trusted, most executions are performed by China. The numbers of their executions are considered a state secret, however, it is known to be in the thousands for last year. Trailing China for total number of executions, the list goes: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, Somalia, and the United States. I dare you to find me a ranking of any kind that places us in league with those countries in a positive light.

How severe does a crime need to be to give someone the death penalty?

It should be obvious by now that I do not think we should be practicing the death penalty, not when we have legal alternative of life in prison.

However, all of this said, If we are to keep the death penalty, it requires reform. Our practice, while reprehensible, is made all the more despicable by the fact that we take great pains to pretend it isn't a problem. We perform executions in intentionally out-of-the-way locations. We do them at one in the morning. We mix up experimental cocktails and pump them intravenously- giving the appearance of going out peacefully, though often, it is clear we are torturing the accused to death. This all must change. We, as a society, need to face the worst side of ourselves. We need to bring back public executions, even televise them. We need to focus on not making an execution look pretty, but make the execution quick- I wholeheartedly recommend taking a hint from North Korea, and lining up the accused in front of 14.7mm antiaircraft machine guns with a rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute. Such a machine will make a human being more vapor than solid in the blink of an eye, but you certainly don't have to worry about them suffering.

Maybe, after all of this, we can look at ourselves and honestly ask how civilized we really are.

Side: Against Death Penalty
2 points

people this is nothing to play around with its not just a pick a side game this is serious people are dying and know one cares half of you pick a side and have no evidence to back your reasoning up

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

i think people should not get punished like that and i think people make bad mastakes people should not have to go through that.

Side: Against Death Penalty
JordanyAn(2) Disputed
1 point

Yes they should cause if they get released they could murder someone again again thats why they should have the death penalty

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1400151685(5) Disputed
1 point

just keep them in jail forever so they don't do that again don't just keep releasing them again and again just keep them in jail for life

Side: Against Death Penalty
1300125486(7) Disputed
1 point

true but also they did something wrong and they chose to do that so they have to pay up to the death penalty

Side: Pro Death Penalty
teddybear(10) Disputed
1 point

In my point of view, yes, everyone makes mistakes, but some mistakes like murder should not be forgiven. It seems quite cruel even as I'm typing but I really believe that some people just should not be allowed to live. I can't remember the name of the murderer. but there's this guy who was charged with murder and received a life sentence in 1982 or so. Somehow, he was released in 2010. He then proceed to stab two people just after his releases and was caught by the police. He later explained to the police "I felt an urge to kill". I feel like people like this guy get off too lightly with life sentences. I am not saying the conditions in prisons aren't harsh, but still he was fed and have a place to live in. Prison time should be reserved for those who can be reformed. These people clearly can't be reformed if they kill as they please and should receive death penalty, it is a fitting punishment for them to go through the same things their victims did. I also think that while this won't make it easier for the victims' families, it would at least make them feel that their loved ones' deaths were avenged.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
0 points

You cant kill some one and then say that is a mistake that is like some one killed you and then said sorry to your family that is not ok

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1400151685(5) Disputed
1 point

The capital offenses include espionage, treason, and death resulting from aircraft hijacking. However, they mostly consist of various forms of murder such as murder committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting, murder during a kidnapping, murder for hire, and genocide.some people are crazy they should die too.

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

no even if you did do bad the punishment is not going to be right. your just making your self like them. killing is bad even if they did do something bad your killing because they killed someone

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

i agree because even if they did some thing bad they are still human

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

Great man! you understand simple things👍 some would just say they're monster but the total truth is not.

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

I think you should do justice when they kill a person or rape a child, etc.

for example, 3/7/17 Rolando Ruiz took a lethal drug and gave him death penalty.

Im in pro side

Side: Against Death Penalty
teddybear(10) Clarified
1 point I am taking that you support death penalty? Cause the little button below your comment shows that you are against death penalty, just thought I'd let you know

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

I truly think that people should be killed for killings that have made,But still to make theses penalty's the government is the people's tax money when there tax money could be used for feeding there family's and taking care of themselves

Side: Against Death Penalty
teddybear(10) Disputed
1 point

I see and respect you for your point but we are paying for the criminals' food, water etc with our taxes now so don't you think if we have to pay money anyways it should be for a better cause? Because I really believe that criminals like serial killers should not be let off with only life sentences where they still get their bare necessities

Side: Pro Death Penalty
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

I really believe that criminals like serial killers should not be let off with only life sentences where they still get their bare necessities

Hello tb:

That's exactly WHY, as civilized people, we have given up vengeance and rely upon the state to mete out just punishment..


Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

no,way that its good to kill for killing its hurtful to the family of that person espcially the mom she does not want to see her baby die for no reason

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

you should not kill a person because it is scary to see one of the person that you love goes away just because he did some thing bad they should at least send them to jail but dont kill them cause that is just cruel to do to some one

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

it also not right because you are watching the person suffer like the gas chamber,electric chair,hanging

Side: Against Death Penalty
teddybear(10) Disputed
1 point

But don't you think that some criminals deserve death penalties? Serial killers for example, they caused so many to suffer so don't they deserve to suffer too? I mean, from the victims' families point of view, their loved ones were killed yet the murderer still lives and is fed with their money(the tax they paid included paying for the criminals' expenses). Isn't it too unfair to them?

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Excuse me for interfering. Yes, maybe they deserve death penalty but no one has the right to be a killer. Can anything be fair if we continue killing one another? It's just right to provide for the citizen-inmate, they also need mental support not violence.

Side: Against Death Penalty
1 point

no i think you should serve the time if they did a big crime like murder he should have life in prison its their fault for doing it serve the time

Side: Against Death Penalty

No. We cannot ever be 100�rtain we have the right people on death row. We have and will continue to execute innocents by mistake. Following that logic the state is a murderer and would have to be put to death for its own crimes.

There is no evidence that it is any more of a deterrent to crime than life imprisonment. Which means its unnecessary. Which means its "unusual". Thus putting it under the purview of the 8th amendment protection from cruel and unusual punishment.

Whether you buy the argument that its unconstitutional or not its just not a good policy to have.

Side: Against Death Penalty
0 points

their is no reason to kill any one it solves no problem and it just makes someones mom,dad,sister,brother and who ever else cared for him sad and it makes them have to go through bad times

Side: Against Death Penalty
1200093087 Disputed
2 points

So if someone killed you you would be happy that they don't die

Side: Pro Death Penalty
1 point

I agree! The person that committed the crime caused harm to other people's family, so it would be the criminals fault for getting the death penalty and making their family sad.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
0 points

its bad enough that people are dying illegally so it does not make it better to kill people and then just call it legal

Side: Against Death Penalty
0 points

i just really dont like the death penalty because in jail they may stick a needle in you

Side: Against Death Penalty
-1 points

Also the Government is using the people's money to do the Death penalty,So if anyone has a low paying job and they are struggling,How are they gonna eat at night if the Government is taking there money to end's someone life

Side: Against Death Penalty
-1 points

ts just flat out wrong,wrong that people can bear to know that they are the reason that someones husband,baby brother died because they think that the punishment for killing should be killing what doe4s that fix,nothing

Side: Against Death Penalty
kandice(21) Disputed
1 point

If people know that the death penalty is a punishment, then maybe they shouldnt have committed the crime. If they comit a crime, knowing that it will result in their death, then they might deserve the death penalty- you could say that they chose that ending.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
-2 points
1200093137(9) Disputed
1 point

even tho that some people go to jail and learn, but some dont and they never learn unless you put them to a death penalty. so that is why i disagree

Side: Pro Death Penalty
190458213(8) Disputed
1 point

The crimes you do to get death penalty are brutal, and mostly murder. since the government has put the death penalty this way, there will be equal consequences from what the people have done.

Side: Pro Death Penalty
LoveU(338) Disputed
1 point

Nah, the consequences are not equal, not all killers are being killed (including the government)death penalty rather produce equal brutality. We can't lessen injustice if all of us became the suspect. Death penalty just advances unforgiveness, hatred, unempathic , merciless and violent society. You maybe just thinking that its right because you taste the pleasure of being protected while others are being killed.

Side: Against Death Penalty