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Debate Score:2
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should the government destroy all UFO reports?

And doesn't that kinda suggest that there may be some fact behind it? Ther ARE doing so that they don't need to share the info with anybody.


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It was 2:34 in the morning, and yet another UFO report comes in.

"This one is about a fast, cylindrical body. Wanna hear it?" "Naaa, destroy it like the rest". They never realized there mistake. Just then the missile came crashing in.

Side: No

Weren't humans created(or formed by evolution if you believe in science) to discover everything this universe has to give us. Us, "smart people", are all going to die in this planet sooner or later. So lets spend this time to see if there are aliens who likes to invade planets, or want to explore the galaxies.

Side: No