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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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andsoccer16(1785) pic

Should there be "constitution free" zones in the U.S?

Safety vs. Freedom


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
0 points

Only to stop illegal immigration and to provide the best national security.

Side: yes
1 point

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

- Benjamin Franklin

We sacrifice freedoms in this country out of fear far too often. Unwarranted searches are unconstitutional. Period.

How to Respond at a Homeland Security Checkpoint
Side: No

An absolutely stunning video that most people would be appalled at. They'd be appalled because they're afraid if they don't answer a question put to them by someone with a badge they will be detained, searched and held up for as long as the uniformed people would like!

I do not believe in "Constitution free" zones. My Constitutional rights would and could be suspended for any cause whatsoever. That's a no-no!

Side: No
1 point

well, i say no based on the fact that we should have loose interpretation of the Constitution. Even though i'm a big fan of Thomas Jefferson and a not so big fan of John Adams, the one thing i do agree with the Federalists on is that the constitution should be left for interpretation. think about it, we change it all the time when we add an amendment.

hell, a police man's right to Probable Cause would be against the constitution in a strict view. It's more about common sense than even A or B.

Side: No

If constitution free zones are established, it sets unprecedented government power and control that the United States has never seen. Over time, it would only lead to the abolishment of the constitution and the bill of rights.

Side: No
1 point

If there were zones in the United States with no form of constitution existing then there would be injustice committed against the citizens of that jurisdiction and the rights and privacy of the people would be infringed upon with no legal power to prohibit the government from their acts of wrong against citizens. It will be more like a dictatorship. If it wasnt for the constitution in the first place, americans would not have had many rights as they do today and as a matter of fact, Miranda v. Arizona was created from the 4th ammendment which spoke of searches and seizures. Many other case laws were also created from the constitution. Now imagine if there was no constitution in the first place, then imagine the level of infringment that would have taken place by taking away the life, liberty, and happiness of Americans.

Side: No