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Debate Score:47
Total Votes:53
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Atrag(5666) pic

Should you publicly share being raped?

There is one particularly member here that tells us she is raped at every opportunity. It seems almost like a badge of honour these days. 


Side Score: 32


Side Score: 15
4 points

If publicly sharing serves as her way of dealing with it then why not? Does it harm you or anybody? There are many people dealing with many bad things and sometimes it is just nice to let go by sharing.

Side: Yes
2 points

Hello A:

I dunno.. You share personal stuff. Why shouldn't she??? Why do I know your sexual orientation??? I DON'T wanna know that about you...


Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

There isn't anything dirty about being gay. The act of rape is. It's an incredibly private and traumatizing thing.

Side: Yes
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
3 points

There is nothing dirty about being raped! She did nothing wrong and should have no problem reaching out for help.

Outspoken Gay people such as yourself, constantly want to wear your unnatural sexual orientation on your sleeve as if you are some kind of victim.

Try understanding the word hypocrite when insulting other people for talking about something traumatizing in their life.

Side: No
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

There isn't anything dirty about being gay. The act of rape is.

Hello again, A:

Nahhh.. If you're the RAPIST, it's dirty.. But, you've been raped, you're a victim.. There's nothing dirty about being a victim..


Side: No

No one should feel ashamed for undergoing abuse.

Side: Yes
2 points

In many cases the victim of such a traumatic incident may find it therapeutic to refer to their horrific experience openly and try to find solace, and maybe some answers by interpreting the various reactions.

Alternatively the victim may still be suffering from 'post-traumatic stress disorder' and their constant, and apparently irrational reference to their deeply disturbing experience may be due to them having developed a long term depression induced neurosis.

Either way the victim should be treated with delicate understanding and given support.

Side: Yes
-1 points

I think it really depends on the person and the circumstance. Sharing this can be a source of therapy, a way to explain how you are and why you think a certain way. But there are times where sharing a traumatic experience seems more like a cry for attention, especially when it's tossed around so haphazardly. I can't say such a terrible thing didn't happen to her, but I've found myself questioning the validity of many of the claims this certain person has in other things. I hope she's getting the help she needs and not using this site as a source of therapy.

Side: Yes
3 points

I don’t believe it serves any purpose but the one in question is a raging attention seeking egotist so it’s expected

Every occasion she gets she mentions the fact ; she also informs people on a daily basis she likes black dick and also she’s a ........lesbian and of course a Christian ...... I lived in planet California for a couple of years and she sounds like one of the varied nuts that used to live in Santa Monica which must have more loonies per square inch than anywhere else in the world

Side: No

Pitty party. Men get raped and you never hear about it because they are not fans of such parties.

Side: No
3 points

The issue is the men not feeling freedom to express it, the issue is not the way around you've implied.

We should indeed have pity for the raped.

Side: Yes
jeffreyone(1383) Clarified
1 point

Yes we should have pity for the raped but they shouldn't sing their. song everywhere they go, as if they want their songs to go platinum lol.

Or else it will forever lead their lives, there are better things to explore than pain

Side: Yes
1 point

at first we must understand carefully the difference between rape and sex, sex is sometime misunderstood as rape, and only the male is being punished. I think there is a lot of contradiction in this topic.

Side: No