
Debate Info

It will work It will fail/other idea.
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:38
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 It will work (13)
 It will fail/other idea. (6)

Debate Creator

Nox0(1393) pic

I know how to stop Islamist Terrorists.

I've realized that Islamist Psychos are around for more than 1000 years so I was Googling around methods that were used to stop them in the past and I've managed to found simple and elegant solution. Suiciders were there from the dawn of Islam, they usually were not wearing bombs but two sword a kept cutting random people until someone stopped them. Reason is still same 72 virgins, river of honey,etc... In the past this problem was solved by publicly burying dead suicider in a pig or burning them with pig's blood. According to their belief their souls will be dirty/unclean and they cannot enter heaven and claim all those benefits for killing all those people. So let's do same thing... and each plane will fly with small pig on board :D just the small pet like.

It will work

Side Score: 19

It will fail/other idea.

Side Score: 10
4 points

I've also found MoHAMad bullets with pork in them :D

Side: It will work

It can't hurt ;)

Side: It will work
1 point

that is my point :D

Side: It will work
1 point

GENIUS, BRILLIANT !!!, and FUNNY lol, but you know what as crazy as this may sound I think this would work.

Or we could wrap the plane in bacon?

Side: It will work

Yes because the only reason why they do it is because they think they will go to heaven.

Side: It will work
0 points

It wouldn't stop it completely, but it would reduce drastically!

Side: It will work
1 point

Yes, that is the point. For cost of a single Predator drone you can have a huge amount of pork and it would definitely save more people ...

Side: It will work
1 point

We get it. You hate Muslims. Find a hobby before you implode.

Side: It will fail/other idea.

He specifically said Terrorists. ;)

Side: It will fail/other idea.
2 points

I think of PMS :D :D

Side: It will fail/other idea.
Sitara(11075) Disputed
0 points

Don't make me spank you. ;)

Side: It will work
1 point

This might stop one or two from attacking us but most will still attack.

Side: It will fail/other idea.
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

probably not, because if they willl know that their eternal rewards will not be waiting for them... it would be just a suicide :D

Side: It will work
2 points

It's an interesting/amusing idea, but think about how religions have functioned in the past when faced with a theological barrier. They would just change the "rules" about heaven.

Side: It will fail/other idea.