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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Against (9)

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Single-sex schools

Studies in the past have shown that boys gain more academically from studying in co-education schools, but that girls find segregated schools more conducive to achievement. But academic results are not the only criterion on which the success of the education system should be judged.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 11
1 point

Women in particular benefit from a single-sex education; research shows that they participate more in class, develop much higher self-esteem, score higher in aptitude tests, are more likely to choose ‘male’ disciplines such as science in college, and are more successful in their careers. In the USA Who’s Who, graduates of women’s colleges outnumber all other women; there are only 83 women’s colleges left in the States today.

Side: For
1 point

The inclinations of children in the formative years, between 7 and 15, are to gravitate towards their own sex. They naturally tend towards behaviour appropriate to their gender. It is therefore easier to implement an education strategy geared specifically towards one gender. Certain subjects are best taught in single-sex classrooms, such as sex education or gender issues.

Side: For
1 point

Single-sex schools for women are a natural extension of the feminist movement; there are co-educational schools, men have had their own schools, why should women not? It would still be discrimination if there were only male single-sex schools; as long as both genders are catered for, this discrimination is redressed.

Side: For
1 point

Teachers themselves are often discriminated against in single-sex schools; a boys’ school will usually have a largely male staff where women may feel uncomfortable or denied opportunity, and vice versa.

Side: For
1 point

Boys and girls distract each other from their education, especially in adolescence as their sexual and emotional sides develop. Too much time can be spent attempting to impress or even sexually harassing each other (particularly boys toward girls). Academic competition between the sexes is unhealthy and only adds to unhappiness and anxiety among weaker students.

Side: For

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? Put this shit in the description, let OTHER people debate your topic. That's how this place works, man. And, just for the record, single-sex schools are a waste of time. What's the fun if you can't potentially have sex with half the people at your school?

Side: Against
1 point

1998 survey from the American Association of University Women, a long-time advocate of single-sex education, admitted that girls from such schools did not in fact show academic improvement. That they are more inclined towards maths and sciences is of questionable importance to society as a whole. As the report noted, "boys and girls both thrive when the elements of good education are there, elements like smaller classes, focused academic curriculum and gender-fair instruction". These can all be present in co-educational schools.

Side: Against
1 point

The formative years of children are the best time to expose them to the company of the other gender, in order that they may learn each others’ behaviour and be better prepared for adult life. The number of subjects benefiting from single-sex discussion is so small that this could easily be organised within a co-educational system.

Side: Against
1 point

Boys and girls distract each other from their education, especially in adolescence as their sexual and emotional sides develop. Too much time can be spent attempting to impress or even sexually harassing each other (particularly boys toward girls). Academic competition between the sexes is unhealthy and only adds to unhappiness and anxiety among weaker students.

Side: Against
1 point

In fact boys and girls are a good influence on each other, engendering good behaviour and maturity – particularly as teenage girls usually exhibit greater responsibility than boys of the same age. Academic competition between the sexes is a spur to better performance at school.

Side: Against
1 point

Single-sex schools (such as the Virginia Military Institute) are a throwback to the patriarchal society of the past; in many historical cultures, only men were allowed an education of any sort. To perpetuate this is to remind women of their past subservience and to continue to hold them from full social inclusion.

Side: Against
1 point

Teachers frequently favour their own gender when teaching co-educational classes; for example, male teachers can undermine the progress and confidence of girl students by refusing to choose them to answer questions etc.

Side: Against
1 point

How are children going to learn how to interact with other members of the opposite sex, if most of their time is spent at a single sex shool?

Side: Against
1 point

I'm persuaded that, many experts, psychologists and doctors’ interviews, single-sex schools are needed and it will be helpful for many parents and developing young people if their governments will accept this system of education. Also in Kazakhstan, we don’t have many single-sex schools; it will be good for our country too and may be I will enter my future children to single-sex schools. Single-sex schooling is it actually better to learning young generation I think. Many people of the world believe that it has beneficial effects on both girls and boys.

Side: Against