
Debate Info

Screw up Earth worse But I feel good about it
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Screw up Earth worse (2)
 But I feel good about it (1)

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CrapWeasel(537) pic

Solar Farming Brings Concerns to the Land

Screw up Earth worse

Side Score: 2

But I feel good about it

Side Score: 1
1 point

Tha's the disadvantage but solar is good at rooftops. They are good for house hold use. if we want to make more electricity then land required for it.

Supporting Evidence: Jharbhoomi (
Side: Screw up Earth worse
1 point

Yes, If you want to use it on land then your land will have no space it's a good idea to use rooftop for solar panel.

Supporting Evidence: Meebhoomi 1B (
Side: Screw up Earth worse
1 point

An complete year's worth of the world's energy needs may be met by the sunlight that hits the earth's surface in little over an hour and a half. Photovoltaic (PV) panels and mirrors that concentrate solar radiation are two examples of solar technology that do this. This power may then be utilized to power machines or stored in batteries or heat.


Side: But I feel good about it