
Debate Info

Swag Class
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Swag (3)
 Class (4)

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Tdreyer95(2) pic

Swag Vs Class

Let me know what you think.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 4
1 point

SWAG, swag is the way better than class class is stupid and swag is legit ,SWAG

Side: Swag
1 point

Grades are pointless if you are overworked, but it is very difficult to know all subjects perfectly, and I found how to write a paper in chicago style , where every student can order excellent writing on any topic.

Side: Swag
1 point

Swag fighting. I appreciate your hard work. Keep posting new updates with us. dinosaur game

Side: Swag

James Bond has class.

The guys from jackass have swag.

I'd side with bond anyday.

Side: Class
1 point

Swag used to be something similar to class during the 1800's and similar time periods. British Officers still use swagger sticks. However, the modern generation has completely soiled the term.

Side: Class
1 point

Swag means secretly we are gay

Im not a gay, cause im a girl. But then, i think class is better than the other one, because being classy is like saying you' re an elite or youve got a good breeding

Side: Class
1 point

Only person I know that can rock swag is Samuel Jackson, making class an easy pick

Side: Class