
Debate Info

Brings us Destruction Allows us to work as one
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Allows us to work as one (2)

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dalodus(31) pic

Technology. Ruin Humanity? or our only salvation?

Will Technology Eventualy lead to humanities Destruction in neuclear fire? or will it connect people as never before and lead to a global community? a new humanity free from internal war and endowed with patience and empathy?

Brings us Destruction

Side Score: 0

Allows us to work as one

Side Score: 2
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The better answer is neither... but at present technology has made the world more interconnected and is restructuring centuries old power dynamics (arguably for the better). I consider that a promising indicator.

Side: Allows us to work as one

Technology will continue to connect the world to each other. Technology is good.

Side: Allows us to work as one