
Debate Info

True But
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:37
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 True (3)
 But (9)

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Spuds(1074) pic

Democrats today would oppose every single founding father politically



Side Score: 5


Side Score: 32
1 point

Hello Spuds:

Nahhh……. The document they wrote is a VERY liberal document.. Let's just look at a couple of items.. Oh, there's freedom of the press.. Trump HATES the press. We don't have to talk to the cops if they arrest us.. Right wingers like torture. We have due process rights. Right wingers, as I said, love to torture. We have the right to confront our accuser - unless, according to the right wing, you're a woman.. We have the right to protest... Unless, of course, and again according to the right wing, you're black.

These, and many many more, are LIBERAL notions..



Side: True
Spuds(1074) Disputed
5 points

The document they wrote is a VERY liberal document

Yeah. It looks it.


"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Side: But
Spuds(1074) Disputed
5 points

Constitution vs Excon


Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. amendment


Grab the guns. People don't need guns.

Side: But
Spuds(1074) Disputed
5 points

Oh, there's freedom of the press.. Trump HATES the press

The fake press. He loves Fox News.

Side: But
Spuds(1074) Disputed
5 points

We don't have to talk to the cops if they arrest us..

Which has nothing to do with liberalism.

Right wingers like torture.

Some do. Some don't. The ones that do only allow it for terrorists.

We have due process rights. Right wingers, as I said, love to torture.

Americans have due process. Al Qaeda has no American rights in a foreign desert.

We have the right to confront our accuser - unless, according to the right wing, you're a woman..

Bill Clinton. Nuff said. Democrats obliterated his accusers.

Ted Kennedy. Dead girl. Democrats call him the Lion of the Senate. Joe Biden groping women. No Democrat concern.

We have the right to protest... Unless, of course, and again according to the right wing, you're black.

Or in Excon's case, protesting the media's propaganda.

As for taking a knee. Nessa Diab. Nothing to do with being black. We know exactly what is really happening with these protests, and it has nothing to do with black oppression.

These, and many many more, are LIBERAL notions..

Your problem being, the Republicans are more liberal than the Democrats.

Censoring speech on social media and college campuses is a Democrat idea, not a liberal one. Not allowing the media to be rebuked is a Democrat idea, not a liberal one. Fighting to keep slaves was a Democrat idea. Not a liberal one. Defending Islam from rebuke is a Democrat idea. Not a liberal one. Almost electing an open Marxist was a Democrat idea. Not a liberal one. Placing an admitted Communist into the position of Head of the CIA was a Democrat idea. Not a liberal one. Burning the flag and hating America is a Democrat idea, not a liberal one. Ignoring the burka, killing of gays and abuse of women throughout the Middle East and Africa is a Democrat idea. Not a liberal one.

Side: But
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Which has nothing to do with liberalism

Hello again, S:

Miranda was decided by a liberal Supreme Court. Miranda was represented by a liberal lawyer. Before Miranda, cops used to beat the shit out of their suspects..

Nahhh… Miranda is a VERY liberal notion.


Side: True
Spuds(1074) Disputed
5 points

We have the right to protest...

Unless, of course, and again according to the right wing, you're black.

Or someone kneeling to pray. Oh how quickly libs jumped back on the "it's free speech" wagon after trashing it.

Don Cherry calls media hypocritical for mocking Tim Tebow kneeling in prayer, but praising athletes’ protests tim-tebow-while-praising-athletes-protests/article36419007/

Side: But
1 point

So what? It's just a bunch of old white supremacist imperialists.

Side: But
Spuds(1074) Disputed
3 points

So what? It's just a bunch of old white supremacist imperialists.

Who fought off a bunch of white supremacist imperialists from Britain and created the greatest nation in the history of human kind.

Side: True
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

There was no one at that time of any race who did not have ignorant ideas about the supposed importance of race. The founding fathers were among those in an ideological battle against that ignorance, even within themselves. Without people like them, you would likely be similarly ignorant today.

Side: True
1 point

Agreeing with the founders makes you the enemy to libs, which literally makes them the enemies of the founders, and by default, the enemies of America.

Side: But