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A bunch of idiots Just a"Community" Orginization
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:44
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 A bunch of idiots (16)
 Just a"Community" Orginization (8)

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Tugman(749) pic

The Ku Klux Klan

My personal opinion is that they are a bunch of idiots.

A bunch of idiots

Side Score: 21

Just a"Community" Orginization

Side Score: 13
5 points

The KKK is a racist organization, and racism is idiocy.

People need to be judged on what they do, not what the tone of their skin is. It's amazing that people can still judge by skin color, and it's shameful that people could have judged people based on skin color in the past. It's embarrassing.

Side: A bunch of idiots
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I agree, and is why I am so opposed to the Left's Big Brother attempts at forcing privately owned businesses to cater events that go against their faith or conscience.

Do want to live in a dictatorship whereby big Government could force an African American owned business to cater a KKK convention?

This would be the outcome of them trying to force Christian family owned businesses to cater Gay marriage receptions, etc.

When you go down this road of political correctness, a nation's freedom to disagree with the PC Collective, or the KKK, goes with it.

Side: A bunch of idiots

they are bad people they are almost as bad as angela an argueing against mrs. floran

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

THey might be idiots, but definately smarter than most people on this planet.

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

Oh , I have stronger words then "Just a bunch of idiots" . Not trying to make a big deal out of it , but who walks about and just kills people ? Not me .........I think

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

they started of as a community protection orginization but now they r a bunch of ignorant god dame idiots

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

Why is there a ku Klux klan in 2013 and 14? To me its just a bunches of red necks who are la y and have to much time on their hands.

Side: A bunch of idiots
-2 points
TheCreator(-1) Disputed
3 points

I agree, and is why I am so opposed to the Left's Big Brother attempts

You Nazi retards really have NO RESPECT for language, do you? Big brother is a term coined by GEORGE ORWELL, who was a SOCIALIST that wrote about what would happen if the RIGHT WING continued indoctrinating idiots like you with the precise OPPOSITE of reality.

The sheer irony of plagiarising phrases invented by socialists to attack socialists with is beyond belief. Or at least it would be, if I hadn't already witnessed you -- a militant Christian -- accuse the left of "witch hunts".

You are INSANE.

Side: Just a"Community" Orginization

When making a judgment of the Klan, it is important to specify whether we're judging the origins of the Klan or its evolution. I'll address each separately.

The Klan was created post-Civil War, as the South was a completely crippled, destitute, and hopeless region. (Although I'm a New Yorker, and a Swede before that, I support the South in what I call the War of Northern Aggression, but I can get into that another time.) Abraham Lincoln had freed the slaves as an attempt to overwhelm the South with a population surge of rebellious freedmen, and it completely worked. Read "Gone With the Wind," or other novels written from the perspective of a southerner. It may sound dramatic, but black men roamed the roads and cities, believing they had to answer to nobody and were invincible to the law--which they were. Had any black man been arrested or tried, it would have immediately provoked outrage from the North, even if the man had been deserving of his charges. Concerned husbands, brothers, and fathers formed the Ku Klux Klan, not as a lynching mob, but as a protective community organization to prevent the rape and murder of their loved ones.

Of course, how the Klan has evolved is something else entirely. Now, it's a gang of rich, bored white men with nothing better to do than to attack harmless men based on the colour of their skin. The modern-day Klan is a bunch of idiots.

Side: The origins were acceptable

So it's kinda like political correctness. PC binds your hands and gags you. You can't do or say anything that is not Politically Correct even if it needs to be said. If you do, they whip out their race card on your ass or something like it.

In the mean time, those protected by Political Correctness just roam the roads and cities, believing they have to answer to nobody and are invincible to the law--which they were. Sounds like we need a new Klan ;)

Side: Just a
PungSviti(552) Disputed
1 point

Everybody is a victim.......The story you tell of the origins of the Klan is a PR story full of half truths - of-course there would have been some black people doing crime but then the Klan uses that to blow things out of proportions to make it seem that they (the privileged class with much greater means of safety) are only acting in defense. Americans, especially your last administration have made this game into an art-form: It is called selective history or creative history

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

I agree its no different than a street gang there not gonna change anything by doing what they do except harming colored people

Side: Just a"Community" Orginization
1 point

Someone has to keep the spooks in check. Otherwise, look what happens. Black president, thats what.

Side: Just a
truthteller(63) Disputed
1 point

Obama was just a puppet for who is actually running the country the only thing he did was make America never want to vote for another black president

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

I actually agree that Obama is a puppet and a the fall guy as well he is an idiot only bus get to fuck up AAmerica and go to an Island to suck on piña colada what ever throat the government is planning Obama ass is going to jail smfh fuckin idiot

Side: A bunch of idiots
ahills5(4) Disputed
1 point

Instead of being worried about a black president I would just worry as a cracka how to keep my own child in line after all white children burn down schools and movie theatres and snuff coke and drink alot if their parents dont give them enough attention. You guys really should let black people raise your kids again because crackas or rednecks are horrible at raising their kids Smh

Side: A bunch of idiots
1 point

The KKK s all good now we have a nice website with pretty cool clothes you can purchase. We dont go around lynching niggers anymore we are just proud to be white. People give us a bad reputation because of the history of the Klan, but everything is cool now if people keep to themselves. I mean I live 20 minutes from the barbershop where the old grand dragon used to work before he died and ill tell you he was the nicest old man ever. So WHITE POWER

Side: Just a
truthteller(63) Disputed
1 point

Do u think the crimes they commit are right they are terrorists just like any street gang and maybe not all of them commit crimes but they are still support for the ones that do .its not a crime to b proud of what you are but it is a crime to support criminal activity wich means terrorists in this country

Side: A bunch of idiots
ahills5(4) Disputed
1 point

A Groupon that kill es people for fun bornes down church es because they was bored wanted people to be slaves because they are la y as hell could never be a good Groupon the fact that their is still a kkk mean that the crackas who in it now is as ignorant as the red necks who was in it before. White power my ass Smh white people need to be teaching their children how not to be terrorist. Or wait I for got you guys dont raise your children black people do which is a great thing because they actually go off some where to be successful and to have a heart. And not worry about mommy and dada y not giving them enough attention so they go bomb down a school and a movie theater lol talk about your terrorist white people and the kkk takes the cake.😄😅😅

Side: A bunch of idiots
BlueRaptor23(10) Disputed
1 point

You are so racist and black people do more crimes and stop saying cracker its a racial slur for wight people.

how about this only black people say the "N word" and us wight people say " Cracker" if i see a black person say cracker i will punch them

Side: Just a"Community" Orginization