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 The Shack - Are there themes worthy to teach in public schools? (2)

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ynealy(10) pic

The Shack - Are there themes worthy to teach in public schools?

The book The Shack tackles the complex questions involved in grief, loss, religion, and spirituality.  What elements or themes do you think deserve attention in a literature class that do not involve issues of separation  of church and state?

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I shouldn't think any piece of literature would be looked at in that way. Many great novels and factual books have threads running through them that involve religion, either as a back drop or as a large part of the story. "The DaVinci Code" is one of them, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" is another and I cannot fathom any reason why either should not be read or discussed in a classroom setting.

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1 point

Obviously I don't think these are all themes we should teach in order to encourage them, but a lesson that discourages a negative value is equally as important.

Racism, power, discrimination, oppression, passion, compassion, integrity, faith, individuality, and courage would all be worthy ones, I think.

Side: yes