
Debate Info

All militaries especially the US
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 All militaries (2)
 especially the US (2)

Debate Creator

FactLord(149) pic

The biggest mass shooters are the military

We should ban the government from having access to firearms.

All militaries

Side Score: 2

especially the US

Side Score: 2
1 point

They fight and die for your right to say that................................................

Side: All militaries
1 point

Yes. Communist militaries kill a lot of their own people like animals in mass slaughters.

Side: All militaries
1 point

Are they now ???????? Bring some facts i would like to see the facts

Side: especially the US
1 point

Show up with facts i know you can do it LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: especially the US