
Debate Info

colonists = no taxes Colonists = taxes
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 colonists = no taxes (2)
 Colonists = taxes (3)

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sejj0716 pic

The colonists

The colonists say that they shouldn't have had to pay taxes but the British say otherwise.

colonists = no taxes

Side Score: 3

Colonists = taxes

Side Score: 4
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2 points

A colony is by definition subject to the rule of law of some other pre-existing government, which means it is subject to taxes.

And as already pointed out, the objection of the American colonies was primarily that they had no representation in the government which was deciding to tax them.

Side: Colonists = taxes
1 point

The colonists had said that no man could be taxed without his consent as an individual. First it's obviously not true that no Englishman can be taxed unless he, as an individual agrees. This is really the very reverse of the truth, for what man in his right mind wants to be taxed? No Englishman wants to pay taxes.

Side: Colonists = taxes
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

The colonists had said that no man could be taxed without his consent as an individual

No they didn't. They said taxation without representation is unjust. The colonists did not have representation in parliament.

Side: colonists = no taxes
sejj0716 Disputed
1 point

"He cannot be taxed without the consent of the people he chooses to represent him."- (Direct quote from a report on colonist rights)

No englishman can be taxed except the consent of the people who represent him. To prove this false , we have to look at the cider riots that were in England when English farmers revolted against paying taxes imposed by their very own representatives that they chose to represent them in parliament.

Side: Colonists = taxes