
Debate Info

Obama Romney
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Obama (6)
 Romney (5)

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addltd(5125) pic

The countdown to the election has begun, who will you choose?

The countdown to the election has begun, who will you choose?

Obama vs. Romney


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 6
3 points

Yeah definitely not Mitt Romney, if i was American I would go Obama.

Side: Obama
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
3 points

"if i was American I would go Obama"

Is that possible? I'm not sure you can be an American in the sense of believing in American ideals and values and its constitution... and still vote for Obama. haha

Side: Obama

I'll pick anyone but Romney. I'm thinking either Obama or a 3rd candidate.

Side: Obama
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
1 point

Please, go 3rd candidate, both Romney and Obama have been bought and do not serve for you well being.

Side: Obama
1 point

I'm voting for Roseanne Barr:

(Just kidding, I'm voting for Obama.)

Side: Obama

I would vote for a third candidate if it wasn't futile.

Therefore I will nullify a single Romney vote by voting for Obama.

Because Barack is the lesser of two evils.

Side: Obama

I voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and I was happy to see that the majority of voters did likewise.

Side: Obama

Gary Johnson 2012 thats who I'm voting for, none of these prostitute politicians.

Side: Romney

Damn straight. .

Side: Romney

If Gary Johnson is on the ballot, I will consider taking the time to vote, otherwise, waste of time.

Side: Romney

Gary Johnson is on the ballot in all 50 states this year.

Side: Romney
1 point

Notice that not a single person on the other side has added reason to their arguments. Is this a poll or a debate?

It is laughable to hear people say that we're better off now. It is clear that the Obama administration is preventing states from having the freedom to help their individual economies. As well as interfering to much with businesses. The Government is getting to big. That's all there is to it. It really is that simple. Obama will continue to drain the middle class he's never done otherwise. His campaign is based on lies. When the Government is telling us that we need more and more government something is wrong. These are not complex issues.

We now have less weapons and our enemies have more. We're getting involved in so many things over seas and ignoring problems here. This needs to stop.

Mitt Romney has a large focus on helping the middle class and giving business more freedom so that the economy can take care of it's self. Also the state level government will be able to do it's job. He won't do weird things like return a statue of Winston Churchill. He's not an anti colonialist.

We actually know more about Mitt and Paul's life than we know about Obama's who didn't just come out of know-where like a celebrity.

Side: Romney
raptor22(106) Disputed
1 point

It is laughable to hear people say that we're better off now.

Going from an average job loss of 700,000 a month to 4.5 million private sector jobs created sounds like a sound improvement to me.

As well as interfering to much with businesses.

That “interfering” has been with massive industries such as the auto industry. It has allowed the previously mentioned example to grow and regain a reputation of quality needed to push to the top of car sales. Chrysler as a specific example, reported a 26% increase in sales last year. That really sounds like the government is hindering that business, who knew strict quality standards were a good thing? In addition, Democrats seem to understand small business better than Republicans as well; Republicans blocked a small business tax cut that would obviously help their ability to grow and create solid MIDDLE CLASS jobs rather than favoring the wealthy.

Obama will continue to drain the middle class he's never done otherwise.

Interesting that you say that, he (Obama) wants to raise taxes on the rich to maintain tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Romney literally wants the opposite, he wants to raise taxes on the poor and middle class by about $2,000 to pay for tax cuts on the wealthy.

When the Government is telling us that we need more and more government something is wrong.

FDR did the same thing, and he is widely considered the best President of the 20th century.

We're getting involved in so many things over seas and ignoring problems here. This needs to stop.

I agree. But Romney wants to get involved in Syria while Obama does not. Funny that you support Romney on that issue, it almost seems hypocritical, but I know Republicans would never be like that.

Mitt Romney has a large focus on helping the middle class and giving business more freedom so that the economy can take care of it's self.

I’ve already proven how thats false. But I’m not quite sure how cutting government spending helps middle class jobs, that seems like it would actually cause the government to fire quite a few people to accommodate the lower spending budget.

We actually know more about Mitt and Paul's life than we know about Obama’s

Did Romney give you a private report on what his policies as President would be? With most of us, his plans as our nations leader have been pretty bland and un-descriptive.

Side: Obama