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 The movie "42" is a tale of how the Free Market defeated Racism despite Statism (1)

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ThePyg(6738) pic

The movie "42" is a tale of how the Free Market defeated Racism despite Statism

So long as people force us to pay their organization and regulate how we do business, a true Free Market will never exist.


HOWEVER, instances where voluntary trade and cooperation without coercion occur can be considered Free Market moments.  When watching this film about Jackie Robinson, it really opened my eyes to just how segregation could only truly be defeated by Free Market principles.  For the most part, the South was segregated by law.  The Jim Crow laws forced many businesses to keep blacks separated from whites.  Businesses that wanted black patrons may not have been allowed to receive them, and people were basically zoned depending on their qualifications, w/e.

So what happens?  MLB is a national business, owned by many different corporations.  I'm not going to get too technical on how it functions, but over all it was decided that blacks could have their own league in order to 1. satisfy their racism and 2. be able to play in the South without any problems.

Of course, eventually certain people are all like "you know what, fuck the law, I want to integrate this awesome black player into my team, and i'm going to convince the rest of my guys that if they want a paycheck and a victory, they should cooperate."  Integration was a competitive advantage, and while the Yankees had remained a dominating team, eventually they saw the value of adding blacks to their team as well.  Competition, a principle of the free market.

But going back to the film, what can we really say about the Free Market?  That a rich man who was against racism could integrate his team WITHOUT worrying about the law.  Of course, the law, at times, would try break up the games by the Brooklyn Dodgers, but the Free Market prevailed by use of media (free information) and incentives (MONEY).  

I could go on and on, but in general, what do you all think about how Segregation was a law and the Market's attempt to end it due to self-interest?

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ThePyg, haven't seen "42," yet given my respect for you, I might watch this movie. Granted, positive law has failed miserably countless times, and segregation was one of the most prominent moments where the United States Supreme Court uphold racial segregation under the doctrine of equal but separate. Segregation was the failure of government policy and not private citizens.

Even with the free market hands tied behind its back, it still prevailed as you pointed out free information and deep incentives. Jackie Robinson on the free market presented skills that no other athlete in baseball could offer. If it wasn't for the segregation laws, in a truly free market, blacks would have been integrated into sports long before this.