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Debate Score:88
Total Votes:153
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 Disagree (9)

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angelsong(114) pic

The presence of a foreign power always helps when a country is facing problems 11S15


Side Score: 67


Side Score: 21
8 points

the presence of a foreign power often helps to deal with the economic problems that a country is facing. problems such as financial crisis is inevitably faced by many countries, especially during the global financial crisis that is ongoing. due to the financial crisis many countries' economy are affected in many areas. for example some countries such as America who experience a rise in unemployment rate and a decrease in standard of living. another country who was badly affected by the financial crisis is Greece. the Greece government faced increasing deficits and the market turmoil centered on Greece, which had a budget deficit in 2009 far higher than the country had forecast. this led to the interference of European union (EU) and the International Monetary funds (IMF) to put together a €110 bn bailout package for Greece in early May 2010, marking the first rescue of a Europe area member. this levitate the Greece government's burden on their huge amount of deficits. therefore the presence of international organizations are able to help to deal with the economic problems.

Side: Agree
preya(8) Disputed
2 points

You did not answer the question. The term asked is "always". However, you have stated "often" which suggests that there are time where the presence of foreign power is not of help.


Side: Disagree
4 points

Medical help given to a country stuck by natural disaster will help pull the country together so as to rebuild their homeland. There are foreign medical teams which are sent into the country as soon as they can provide any assistance possible to the citizens of the country. For instance, during the Haiti earthquake in which around 3 million people were affected, there were 251 sites that provide primary care and 52 that provide secondary care nationwide, to nearly 50% of the Haitian population. In cases which the government is devastated, helpless and are unable to provide their people with necessary healthcare and resource, foreign power plays a part. An example is the Sichuan province earthquake in 2008. The response from its chief asian rival and long time nemesis, Japan, was instantaneous. The government rushed a 60 member search and rescue team to China - the first foreign aid group to arrive. Therefore, the presence of foreign power always helps in times when a country is faced with the massive destruction due to natural disasters.

HuiXin, , Cheryl

Side: Agree
2 points

Good arugement there, but the aids may be given as loan so it still benefits to foreign country as well in the long run.

but i still support cheryl and yi hsiang!!!

Side: Agree
preya(8) Disputed
0 points

This may benefit the people on a short term basis but may not necessarily be of any help in the long run when the people beome overdependent on the medical aid that the foreign country has provided them with.

Perhaps you could stregthen your argument by addressing this point and stating the specific time frame. In this case, your argument would be that medical help by a foreign power will benefit in the short run.


Side: Disagree
coconutr33(10) Disputed
1 point

However, the context of the problem is short run in nature;impacts of natural disasters are temporary and do not last permanently. Hence, unless the disasters last permanently or at least occur regularly, which is seldom not the case, a dependency will not be be built up.

Side: Agree
-3 points
KokTingHan(-2) Disputed
-5 points
3 points

Nascent national structures can only be developed with aid of countries with a developed structure. When a country/government first starts off, many of the people would be new and inexperienced in the area of national development and structure. As such, more often that not, such young nations would enlist the help of other foreign nations with more stable and developed governments, in order to help in the development and growth of their nation.

An example would be the development of Singapore in its early years, where the nation employed the aid of various international political and economic experts to help in the building of Singapore's political and economic structure.

If the problem stems from external forces, and the country is inadequately prepared to handle it, foreign intervention will be able to mitigate such effects. In the world, countries have differing military powers, which implies that there will always be one party that overpowers the other one. Moreover, if a country has the intent to invade, the aggressor would be stronger than the attacked country, since it will not invade unless it is confident the outcome, to win. As such, when a country is attacked, without foreign intervention, she will certainly fail in deterring. As such, intervention would be necessary to provide assistance in order to deter expansionary aggression. For instance, during the Persian Gulf War, Iraq, with its 1 million strong army, overpowered Kuwait, and subsequently invaded it. However, the U.S. intervened, and provided military support for Kuwait, exonerating Kuwait from Iraq, without which, the occupation would persist. To list more examples, think Vietnam War. Think Balkan War. Think the civil wars in South Africa. Hence, given that aggression is always overpowering, unless intervention by foreign powers occurs, the country would never escape its demise.

Side: Agree
1 point

Jolyon, Clive, Reuben and Huang Yi Hsiang Hsiang Hsiang Hsiang

Side: Agree
1 point

The presence of a foreign power helps a country in terms of economy. First-world foreign countries can give useful advise to a country with economic problems to help them improve their economy. An example is the United Nations(UN) helping Austria economically after its independence on 14 Dec 1955. UN helped Austria by providing economic experts to give them advise on improving their economy. Foreign power can also helps to improve a country's economy through global trading. Global trading is one of the most important factors that contributes to economic development. For example, the European Union(EU) has been the single largest foreign investor in South Korea since 1962 and accounted for almost 45% of all FDI inflows into korea in 2006. This helped Korea developed its economy. Since 1953, Korea was left with nothing because of Korean War, followed by political and social problems. However, this global trading and investment from other countries helped Korea to rise up in terms of economy. Now, Korea is one of the countries with successful economy due to the presence of foreign powers when Korea was facing problems.

-Sohyeon, Winnie

Side: Agree
1 point

In addition, when a country is experiencing political conflict, a foreign power can serve as a mediator to resolve the dispute. Political conflict can occur when totalitarian governments supress their citizens in an attempt to continue to stay in power. When this happens, the citizens are helpless and have no power to rise up against them, and can only suffer, and hence foreign power will be the only help. For example, in Iraq, when Saddam Hussein wanted to stay in power, he inflicted sufferings on people who were against him. As a result, many people were physically tortured and even killed. However, with foreign intervention of the United States eliminating Saddam Hussein's power, citizens were no longer targeted and under a totalitarian government. Political conflict can also occur when a country is in conflict with another. To prevent the conflict from getting more serious, an external party is hence needed to provide just views. For example, a dispute over the course of the maritime boundary dividing the U.S. and Canada in the Gulf of Maine area was resolved by the International Court of Justice. Hence, the presence of a foreign power will be a great help to countries facing political conflict.

felicia so slow chuting

Side: Agree
2 points

Agree! Because there are many examples to show that political unrest in a country can result in devasting consequences and since the locals would not be able to see clearly on what exactly to do at that point in time, a third party acting as the mediator would be able to help the country because what the foreign power sees is a bird's eye view.

Side: Agree
3 points

It is not always helpful when there is an intervention of foreign power as the divide and rule policy implemented by colonial masters such as the British, may deteriorate the fragmentation of society and civil wars after colonization, rather than to encourage unity amongst the people. This problem is evident from the occurrence of many civil wars in Africa after colonialism such as when the British reconquered Cape to protect the sea route to their Asian empire. Due to the intervention of these colonial masters, there have been many disputes and discomfort amongst the locals that may cause civil wars to erupt again. For instance, in Cape Town of South Africa, the locals are uncomfortable with the presence of the colonial masters and this have thus caused social instability within the society. Therefore, the presence of foreign power may not necessarily be an advantage to a country which is facing problems.

Maziyah, Clara

Side: Disagree
ReubenSim(1) Disputed
3 points

Foreign Intervention does not imply colonization.

Colonization may lead to internal unrest, as metioned in your argument.

however, need to address foreign intervention in a wider scope.

Colonization can be seen as a form of foeign intervention, but it is not the only type of foreign intervention. Other forms of intervention more recently used have yield more benefits than colonization, such as how IMF provided funds to various Asian nations during the Asian Financial Crisis.

Side: Agree
YIHSIANG1(2) Disputed
1 point

It is true that colonization is part of foreign intervension, but you failed to address the point on a wider scope.

Colonization is more of a mixed blessing, it has its down side as well as benefits.

For instance, colonial powers help cape town to establish its economic foundation, providing jobs and prosperity for the natives.

Hence, the beneifits outweigh the costs.

Side: Agree
2 points

The presence of a foreign power can be detrimental when it is perceived as an infringement of national sovereignty. Sovereignty is defined as the intentional independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference. Therefore, foreign powers do not have legal rights to intervene in the dealings of another country. For example in the Libyan civil war during which there was disagreement between Gaddafi and those seeking to oust his government, the intervention by UN was unsuccessful because when a resolution was passed to freeze the assets of Gaddafi ,the situation was aggravated and ignited more resistance. Thus we can see that although the UN has put in place measures such as responsibility to protect (RtoP or R2P) which is based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility, their efforts were redundant. Therefore, the presence of a foreign power may not always be helpful.

Side: Disagree
coconutr33(10) Disputed
6 points

Ultimately, Libya was liberated from the iron rule of Gadaffi; Citizens were enfranchised. this means that despite the short term aggravation of the situation by foreign powers, foreign power would always help to resolve the problem in the long run.

Side: Agree
1 point

Long term foreign military intervention in countries may lead to a clash in cultures between the natives and foreign military aids resulting in various problems for the said society. For example in 1961 the United States military bases in Okinawa resulted in sexual violence commited against women resulting in pregnancies, murders, mental disorders, and prostitution. The cultures may have different morals and values from each other to what is acceptable to society, and what is not. Therefore, the presence of a foreign power in other countries does not necessarily benefit them, it could harm them instead.

shawn, ken

Side: Disagree
ReubenSim(1) Disputed
4 points

True, foreign powers intervening in the country may cause new problems, due to conflicts in values and culture. However, it does not mean that they would not have been able to solve the problems that was already existing.

Thus, the argument does not directly answer the question, as it simply says that foreign intevention could cause new problems, whereas the question is can foreign intervention solve problems already existing in the country.

Side: Agree
ShawnChinny Disputed
1 point

No la cause new problems = does not help, therefore the question is answered

Side: Disagree
Sohyeon(6) Disputed
2 points

I think your example was wrong. You are saying as if the USA culture and moral allows sexual violence. Rape is definately an immoral and cruel crime recognised by international arena and no culture allows that. You should either give an exact example of a clash in cultures or must change your topic sentence to "long term foreing military intervention in countries may lead to crime against the natives by the foreign military powers."

Side: Agree
1 point

Muhd Mirza, Khalis Zailan , Kelvin (K) Goh Liang Zhi

The presence of a foreign power does not always helps a country which is facing a problem since the real intention of the foreign power is to exploit the country resources for their own use. This has an adverse effect on the country itself since it can be seen as the country is improving with the presence of a foreign power, the country may have been exploited and the country may only discover it later on. In the long run, the country might even face more problems and challenges in future. For instance, Congo rich coltan deposits in the country is a target for electronic companies. Over 80 percent of the coltan used by companies like Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson and Sony for many of the world’s electronic devices such as cell phones, computers and DVD players comes from Congo. Even though the country has an economic importance to these companies, the country is branded as a third world country and has not made any economic development. This clearly shows the exploitation by foreign power, in this case rich transnational corporation, on a country that faces many economic problems

Side: Disagree
Clive Disputed
1 point

So what are the problems of the country the foreign power is exploiting?

Side: Agree
YIHSIANG1(2) Disputed
1 point

Even if a foreign power assists a nation out of self-interest, nevertheless, it is still providing aid to the nation.

An example would be how the USA supports Israel, partly due to the fact that the jews have a strong influence within the political sphere of America.

History has shown that the assist given to Israel by the USA, have done more to benefit them than to harm them.

Side: Agree
WinnieNg(7) Disputed
1 point

It's an assumption that the real intention of all the presence of the foreign power is to exploit the country's resources for their own use. While there may be cases where countries provide "help" in order to exploit the resources, there are also many cases that proved otherwise. For example a small country like Singapore has assisted through humanitarian mission to provide emergency relief to Pulau Nias, Sumatra, which was affected by the recent earthquake on 29 Mar and the intention was not to exploit the resources that the Sumatra have.

Side: Agree
puyuyu(11) Disputed
1 point

'the real intention of the foreign power is to exploit the country resources for their own use' by saying this , are you trying to say that it is for sure that all foreign powers that provide help is trying to exploit the countries' natural resources? you also mentioned that coltan is exploited by foreign powers and thus they do not gain improvement in terms of economy. the natural resources of china is also being exploited by California apple company.but despite being exploited, china is still able to progress to be top three in economy status

Side: Agree
1 point

The presence of foreign power need not necessarily help when a country is facing problems. This is because, despite their good intentions, they still fail to resolve the problems that occured in the country such as issues regarding unemployment. As richer countries are able to provide the less developed countries with the technology to spur the growth of the economy, only the educated are able to adapt to these changes while the poor will continue to remain poor as they lacked the skills needed for current jobs. This is prevalent in large firms that deemed technology as a better substitute as compared to manual labour as they are able to increase the cost-effectiveness and productivity, thus reducing the need to employ more people to take on jobs in the manufacturing industry. Hence, although the presence of foreign power helps in the economic progress of the country, it leads to many pressing issues that the government needs to cater for, say, unemployment.

Side: Disagree
ReubenSim(1) Disputed
1 point

Good point. But there is more scope to foreign intervention than just economic aid. And under the area of economic aid, it does not always lead to more pressing issues, such as unemployment.

An example would be the aid provided to the Asian counties during the Asian financial crisis.

Side: Agree