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 The problem with intellectuals is that .... (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

The problem with intellectuals is that ....

1.  they think that only they, and those that think like them, are right.

2.  they think that everyone else is an idiot or, at best, a crafty idiot.

3.  a lot of them seem to lack good old fashion common sense.

4.  the intellectuals of yesteryear are today's idiots.


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3 points

1. We (intellectuals) believe that knowledge is one of the most important things there is.

2. We recognize that some beliefs are wrong, and that people can easily deceive themselves.

3. Some of us may lack common sense, but when we do reason and logic are quick to the rescue.

4. The aging know nothings and anti-intellectuals are always bigger idiots. Not because they are dumb, only because they fear the unknown and intend to protect their cherished beliefs from their own rampaging logic and rationality.

When you define/describe the unknown, you ultimately care less about the actual answer and pretend that not knowing is the natural state and that the unknown is unknowable. That amounts to defeatism.

Side: our big heads hurt our poor mothers

Congratulations, you are our first self anointed intellectual here on CD ;)

Side: our big heads hurt our poor mothers
1 point

Hello, could you clarify what you mean by intellectual.

If you mean by someone snobby, then I agree with you. It's alright to be confidant, but not so over-confidant to the point that you become anti-social. Those folks often have the orientation of going against large amount of people in society, but do not have the actual courage to state that "I hate you all". They always hide behind something.

Side: our big heads hurt our poor mothers

Sure, lets go with this definition:

Side: our big heads hurt our poor mothers
1 point

Sounds like someone's jealous of other's smarts. Don't be hatin' just because someone's smarter than you Joe.

Side: dont be hatin

(; If only you knew ;)

I was going to end it there but I have to meet my 50 character minimum ;)

Side: dont be hatin

Some intellectuals go off and start clubs or cliques for intellectuals but seem to allow only those people that support their point of view. This creates a false sense that they are right and everyone else is wrong. It creates an atmosphere of elitism.

Now, I would go ahead and prove my statements but that is beneath me because the proof is so simple. So I'll leave the proof to the reader. If you can't figure it out, well, then, you're in the wrong place and I shouldn't be bothering myself with you ;)

Side: elitism
im2nic2(33) Disputed
1 point

Experts in certain complex fields of work need to talk to other experts to diagnose problems, invent solutions and help each other. Getting the same help from the uninitiated is just impossible. The work often can't be explained fully in the coarse of a lifetime. If you have a problem with someone's intellectual work you should try to understand it and if possible offer constructive criticism. Don't just ignore the findings of experts, especially if such a large number of experts and "amateur experts" are able and willing to explain what they know and how they know it. Elitism isn't a bad thing that you should toss around as am insult. Obviously acting like a pompous ass might make unintellectuals have the impression that elites are mean jerks. A teacher tires at a never ending stream of students, don't take it personally. They also tire of the same worn out questions, but I suppose that can't be helped. (I'm not a teacher, but I feel like one often) What makes you doubt that once the experts agree on something, the non experts can still be so unsure because the findings don't jive with ancient teachings. I think it should be assumed that modern science and technology is more trustworthy and reliable than any other methodology of learning hard and unchanging facts. If it can't be solved by science now, maybe it can with science in the distant future, or maybe not ever but you're probably not going to get to the answer by chatting with your closest friends about why the Loch Ness Monster is still down there somewhere because they know as little as you about that.

Side: elitism

They can't figure out simple stuff like how to have more relevant debates on CD.

If you want more relevant debates and you want to argue with "intellectuals," then create more relevant debates and ban the "non-intellectuals." You can start by banning those on the "Weekly Leader Board."

You wont stop stupid people from putting in their two cents but if they are not on the weekly leader board then there's a lower chance that stupid people will contribute.

Alternatively, create a private debate and invite those you consider to be intellectuals. Although I suspect that these so called intellectuals are just more people that think like you and support your world view. Which wont make it much of a debate.

This isn't rocket science! Use a little common sense.

Side: elitism