
Debate Info

Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem Christ wauz a Capitehleest
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem (6)
 Christ wauz a Capitehleest (5)

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instig8or(3308) pic

The religious should be left-wing.

Religion supports to share and to be a good person to the weaker in society. What better system than taxation is there? Oh, that's right, relying on randomized charity which only gives to the most advertized people in need at the time and pockets half of it.


Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem

Side Score: 6

Christ wauz a Capitehleest

Side Score: 5
1 point

I guess no one is interested in this. I win then. :)

Side: Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem
1 point

Christ was never a big fan of government in the Bible. All the good and others did was on their own accord.

Side: Christ wauz a Capitehleest
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Christ ended up hung as a criminal, meaning he was clearly wrong. :)

Side: Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

First of all, that doesn't refute my point that Christ wouldn't be a fan of communism. Secondly, he wasn't even guilty of a crime so that also doesn't prove anything. Nice effort, though.

Side: Christ wauz a Capitehleest
GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
1 point

He doesn't have to be to be Left Wing. One of the most left wing ideologies involves little to no government: Marxist Communism, an ideology whose entire premise is based on a quote from Jesus.

Side: Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Right wing isn't 'no government' it's only no government economically.

Side: Christ wauz a Capitehleest
AlofRI(3294) Disputed Banned
1 point

The only "governments" around in his time were "conservative". Keep all the money for the rich and powerful, don't worry about health care for the masses, eat well, but if the "masses" can't raise enough food for themselves...., well....WTF!

That's why Jesus lived and preached "liberal principles". Take care of the poor, heal the sick, don't get overly rich without redistributing the wealth ... so your camels can pass through the eye of a needle, you might say. Yeah, Jesus "invented" liberalism! The religious SHOULD be left wing! (And don't forget, MANY ARE!). The right wing has never even followed the teachings of Jesus, yet they think THEY are the "religious ones"! DON'T beat your spears into plowshares! Buy more guns! What a bunch of crap!

Side: Da Lawd says Cawmewnizem
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

You defended the other side and then went full bitch mode and tried to twist it.

Side: Christ wauz a Capitehleest