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 The solution to the big question: why are we here? (9)

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feelingtruth(2776) pic

The solution to the big question: why are we here?

so since i cant post it since it is over 5000 characters in length, i will post it in an argument, enjoy the read, and tell me what you think!

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we are on a rock in space, and if you think about it, were the only species to have come so far as to mix elements and create and find and discover how the universe works, we are just discovering dark matter, and according to string theory, quantum physics, m theory, it all combines into one thing of experience, because the true question we must ask ourselves here is where does all of it come down to? what creates a living environment, surely it has to be something, and this is what we are trying to find out.

in my beliefs and thinking over the years, ive come to a conclusion about one thing, which is widely, but poorly, known. We are just organisms living in an organic universe, where everything natural, even the planets, and stars, are all one giant consciousness. everything works together to keep a thriving environment sustainable, which is the point of life. to keep it in balance, because without balance the system will go into chaos, which is where conflict arises. if you put it in the perspective that we are just cells in a solar system which in turn in habit a universe, you could look at the universe as a giant person, where we are working cells, as humans. The higher, divine, that we seek to find is actually just a higher functioning of the body working to keep the universe in order.

with m theory today, it says that there an infinite universes, which if we add to the perspective we were just using, then that means god, to us, is just the brain of this universe, which is connected to an infinite amount of universe through, which i believe, are black holes. if there are an infinite amount of "bodies" then that means that we, as humans, in my belief, can evolve to a state of being a giant "brain" in a vast sea of infinite "bodies" because we have already evolved from the basic organism, which means we can evolve into a higher organism.

I think that the mayans were talking about this, that the new coming of age, is when we will evolve into a christ like state of being. because jesus, and all major religions, say that we are all connected, all from the same source, and shamanism, the oldest religion we have, says that everything is intertwined through a celestial means of some "divine" source that we find. we can learn to explain this. and this is what our ancestors believed, and they tried to explain it to us, as a species, because we are the only species thus far to be able to comprehend what this means. We have the capacity to be able to process that the universe that we, as highly evolved animals, and other animals, and organisms are living in, is just one giant system.

The only difference here, is that we have gained the awareness that we can experience and connect to everything that is all around us. Because we have learned that not only are we conscious, but that the entire universe, is conscious through different, varying degrees. You have basic consciousness, which is just a plant in the ground, or a bacteria, the only concern that they have is surviving, by taking in the proper nutrients that it requires to stay alive. As you go higher up in evolution, we have higher consciousness, which is just the opposite of surviving, which is thriving.

We must find a balance between thriving, and surviving. But that is not to say that each side of consciousness is necessarily bad or good, because bad and good must come together to create a neutral, living, thriving, yet not only thriving, but also surviving. If you have too much thriving on one hand, for far too long, then the environment, the universe, that we are living in, will cleanse itself because the only focus we have as a species today anymore is thriving. We have forgot about survivng. We use too many resources, take up too much land, and create too many organsims for the environment to sustain. So what must happen, in all biosystems, is a complete collapse of thriving, to be replaced by surviving, so that the system can restore and refresh itself.

If you have too many files on your computer, and too many games, and too much memory, then you have to either erase some files, or let it build up until it eventually crashes, and this is when it is wiped clean, and you must buy a new system, or, in this case, create a new system. This is what we are seeing today happen, we are on the verge of collapse. But this is not necessarily bad, it is just a massive change that we must embrace.

This is again, what the mayans are referring to, this is the "end times" that all religions speak of. But it is not the entire end time, it is just the beginning of a new start, and this, in my belief, is what 2012 is all about. We will learn that we as a species, can evolve into a higher form of life that sustains other life. Because we are no longer hunter gatherers fending for ourselves, now we are evolving to the point of fending for everything else. the only reason this is, is because we are capable of understanding that the universe must work together, in peace and harmony, in order to create a thriving and surviving environment.

Without the two working together, it is thrown out of balance, and this is when chaos ensues.

aw someone downvoted me because they cant handle the truth

1 point

The reason we are here is to keep disputing the other person until they are thoroughly pissed off.

We are meant to argue with each other, get the other person off balance and let chaos ensue ;)

2 points

To Debate isn't that what debate sites are for ?

You know why your here?

Your were born for the sole purpose of passing on genes to the next generation. So essentially, the only reason you're here is to get laid, and if you don't, than in a sense you have failed your purpose.

lol i meant the universe in general, but that works too... just cant make too many kids...

1 point

We're here to exist and to live, to be alive.

And as William Wallace once said....


1 point

I don't really like humans :L I mean i'm not an anti social guy I like the company of other people, just the species its self. We entertain ourselves with, lets face it, mostly the pain of others, with death. Our greed is what dominates us and we are constantly at war. We are here to multiply, and that's it! Many people ask, how did we get here? But what should rightly be asked, is why are we here. To start with, it is better to ask how did we get here, which can be answered by science quite easily. As for why are we here, well because millions of years ago, some spring somewhere spurted some hot water that had a certain mixture of chemicals, and this formed a bacteria which grew in to plant and animal life. Our purpose in life is simply to multiply. But here's the thing that really, REALLY gets me:

If I went up to any one of you and said "you're about to die, there will be a 100% chance of a 0% amount of pain", you wouldn't just say "OK". You would say "No wait, I don't want to die!" Now, I ask, why not? I know it seems like a simple question, which can simply be answered by,"because we enjoy life." But that leads on to, why do we enjoy life? Our brains are programmed to enjoy life, to make sure we keep living, because your brain doesn't want to die. Now, you look at a dog. It has fur to keep ti warm, eyes to see, motor neurons to move and sensory neurons to feel, ears to hear, pain receptors to detect pain, and emotions. It has all these things to make sure it keeps living. but the brain doesn't decide whether you have 3 eyes or 5, whether you have really strong muscles but no fur e.t.c. No, these things are all genetic. But I ask again, why?! These things are obviously built to keep the creature alive, but these genetics don't have feelings, I shouldn't imagine they really care if they succeed or not! So, why do these things reproduce to create a creature. This creature, that finds so much joy in life, and whose' main goal in life is to reproduce, make more of its self. Keep the family on going. Plants have thorns to keep predators away. But plants have no brains, their cells just know how to formulate, where and when. but does it really care whether it lives? Can it care? No! It's a plant! So why do these things have thorns, weapons to keep predators at bay. All of these answers are answered by the same question. To keep it alive. The real question, as it has indeed been all along, is why! This is the question that needs to be asked, in depth!

Well, that's my meager attempt at divulging in to some sort of incomprehensible philosophy! Hope y'all enjoyed!

If when you say why you mean "how", then we are here because of a very long chain of natural processes which have led to bits of the universe becoming self aware.

If you mean why as in what is the purpose of life, I don't understand why you want an answer to that question. There is no reason other than causal for us to be here, I don't need some sort of cosmic quest to fulfil in order to enjoy my rather short life.