
Debate Info

Regular old justice. Texas justice - it's cheaper.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Regular old justice. (3)
 Texas justice - it's cheaper. (4)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

There's justice and then there's Texas justice - take your pick.

Regular old justice.

Side Score: 3

Texas justice - it's cheaper.

Side Score: 4

You folks seem to be under the misunderstanding that they go from the court room to the injection table and that's not the case. Yes they move it along and they get there appeals, but Texas doesn't drag it out for years and years.....

Side: Regular old justice.
1 point

The death penalty is more expensive per prisoner than prison is.

Side: Regular old justice.
1 point

Not if they speed up the process ;)

Side: Regular old justice.
1 point

Say what you will but Texas justice is cheaper and quicker. No lawyers, no waiting on death row, none of that ;)

Side: Texas justice - it's cheaper.

So, what type of a name would you like?

Side: Texas justice - it's cheaper.
1 point

He left it parked at the titty bar so long they had it towed to the impound lot.

Side: Texas justice - it's cheaper.
1 point

Yeah, Texas justice is tough. It's an execution happy breeding ground for idiot Presidents and fossil fools. Still, I refuse to accept corporations as "people" until Texas executes one! ;-)

Side: Texas justice - it's cheaper.