
Debate Info

No, I love a good wank I'm sexually repressed
Debate Score:72
Total Votes:72
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 No, I love a good wank (21)
 I'm sexually repressed (38)

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anachronist(886) pic

There's nothing wrong with masturbation

Who doesn't love a good wank? Apparently there are a bunch of fundies in America who are anti-masturbation. as usual, the reasoning behind whyu it is immoral tends to consist of "BECAUSE IT IS SHUT UP!!!".



If you aren't going to give an actual reason, just quote bible verses or whatever, please don't bother, the question is "what is wrong with it" not "what does the bible say about it".

No, I love a good wank

Side Score: 29

I'm sexually repressed

Side Score: 43
4 points

Masturbation does not hurt others or yourself (unless you like it that way), and therefore does not meet the criteria required for an action to be deemed immoral.

In order to demonstrate that masturbation is immoral, you must demonstrate that it harms people other than the masturbator.

Side: No, I love a good wank
Chaffy(154) Disputed
1 point

Hello Noob,

Masterbation does hurt others, as a homosexual I've often been hurt when other boys wank over girls. Though masterbation isn't really immoral (unless you're a stupid Christian) it can still hurt peoples feelings.

Side: I'm sexually repressed

Would you rather other boys wank over you? I think that's called bukake. What if it lands in your eye? That may hurt ;)

Side: I'm sexually repressed
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

So you wouldn't be hurt if they beat-off over other guys then ?

Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

You would actually preferred better these guys masturbating over you?

Side: No, I love a good wank
2 points

Nothing is wrong with masturbation - on the contrary, it has health benefits.

Some people might also say that masturbation makes you find your partner less attractive if you use porn (and who doesn't). Well, that may be true sometimes, but we have to learn how to separate fantasy from reality. Girls who have watched a few Disney movies might think they are deserving of a prince, but they aren't. Are Disney movies also wrong for making those girls' expectations in life to be ridiculous?


Health Benefits

Feels good

Prevents blue balls


Potential Death ( (But how many people jerk off 42 times in a row? REALLY?) (Impossible in females, they can do it as much as they want)

Sexual Dysfunction (The victim's own fault for having excessively high expectations/being naive)

Embarrassment when someone walks into you furiously masturbating (protip: lock the door)

Supporting Evidence: Masturbation's Health Benefits (
Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

Way better than sleeping around and catching something or having kids you can't support.

Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

Masturbation is good for you. I believe it reduces stress and sexual tension, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and even can reduce risk for prostate cancer. Jerk off more people! :)

Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

Thank God for my B.O.L. (Battery Opperated Lover). ;)

Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

well i am totally a fan. Its important especially for women to find out what they like so they know and can make it known to there partner if they are not getting something rite.

Side: No, I love a good wank
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

This is true. You seem to know a lot about women. ;)

Side: I'm sexually repressed
1 point

I meant to support what you said. Sorry. I am a little distracted. ;)

Side: I'm sexually repressed

Masturbating for males could only bring one problem. Ripping off foreskin by accident, and bloody cloths.

Side: No, I love a good wank
2 points

If someone walks in when you're doing it, you could get them in the eye. See, it's not a myth that masturbation causes blindness.

Side: I'm sexually repressed
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
2 points

Maybe if you were standing on a step ladder on the other side of the door.

Side: No, I love a good wank
3 points


Yea, I'm not gonna debate the specific angles required to blind someone via ejaculation.

Side: No, I love a good wank
Chaffy(154) Disputed
1 point

Watch out, there's a fuck up about.

Side: No, I love a good wank
1 point

I'm going to play the devil's advocate and say that even if the jizz hits someone in the eye, I don't believe its caustic. Sure, it will piss them off to a level that surpasses all quantifiable pissedoffness. However, the jizz will rinse away and I don't believe that there's anything in it that will destroy the eye. But I like to be honest and.... Fuck it, I'm not a scientist and I'm talking out my ass on this one. Thanks.

Side: No, I love a good wank

A friend of a friend wanted to look at porn in private but the electrical power cord for the monitor was too short so he got an extension cord but it was longer than it needed to be so he wrapped the excess around the monitor and in doing so he partially disconnected the plug, thus exposing the bare metal, and when he came he shorted the connection and electrocuted himself. True Story Bro ;)

Side: I'm sexually repressed
2 points

Pissing in the dark can have similar consequences...

pissing in the dark

Side: I'm sexually repressed
1 point


Side: I'm sexually repressed
1 point

Hello Noob,

We all know that "friend of a firend" is you Joe you dirty tramp.

Side: I'm sexually repressed

You got me. I died and this is my second coming.... no pun intended ;)

Side: I'm sexually repressed
1 point

That would depend on who's on the receiving end of themselves or they might have an unexpected circumcision, LOL

Side: I'm sexually repressed