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 Top ten most important minds in history (36)

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DeathWolf666(372) pic

Top ten most important minds in history

Leonardo Da Vinci
Contributions: First mother fucker to accurately create human anatomy maps. Polymath and smart ass nigga.
Rough intelligence estimate: 7/10

Contributions: Basically invented empiricism. The scientific method wouldn't exist without this nigga.
rough intelligence estimate: 3/10 

Contributions: Math and shit.
rough intelligence estimate: 4/10

Galileo Galilei
contributions: proving heliocentrism, measuring speed of light, designing mechanical calculators etc.
rough intelligence estimate: 5/10

Isaac Newton
contributions, calculus, gravitational theory
intelligence estimate: 5/10

Albert Einstein
General relativity primarily among other shit you bitch ass nigga mother fucker cunt hole pussy whipped cream italian dildo holster.
intelligence estimate: 6/10

Charles Darwin
Solidified the theory of evolution

Karl Marx
Invented socialism

Jacque Fresco 
"filled in the blanks" of marxism. invented a lot of shit

Nicola Tesla
invented more shit than anyone in history. socialist and master field theorist
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4 points

There are a few people I would add to the list f we are looking at the importance of minds in terms of ideas and knowledge that are foundational to concrete or demonstrable human achievements. This is especially true if we are choosing candidates terms of the scope of the achievements their contributions supported.

The first on the list are unknown, despite the originality of their thinking, and how critical it was to the advancement of the thinking of mankind.

1 - Arithmetic: The inventors (discoverers?) of arithmetic made possible the great thinking by the most of the others on the list. This includes whoever the ancient Hindu was who invented the zero, and his/her/their Mayan counterpart, and thereby made it practical to do levels and types of calculations that would otherwise have been impossible without exponential numbering systems, whether base 10, base 2, or anything else. Certainly Leibniz and Newton could never have invented calculus without these anonymous folks.

For the next eight important minds for humankind, I would include

2 – Archimedes contributions to mathematics are similarly foundational, including the use of the concept of the infinite and infinitesimal to approximate pi, and to establish mathematical relationships between different geometric shapes. He contributed a method to measure the volume of any object. In addition to this, he established the ratios of distance-force ratios for simple machines. This makes him one of the fathers of both modern architecture and engineering.

3 - Euclid established geometry, not only formulae, but also the system of axioms, theorems, and methods of proof that we continue to use twenty-three centuries later. These are seminal contributions to formal logic, architecture, and engineering.

4 - Louis Pasteur both came up with germ theory, and proved it. His work is the basis of modern medicine, and the resulting improvements in human lifespan and quality of life.

5 - James Hutton came up with the theory that physical laws are consistent over time, and the foundations of geology, including the principles that ultimately form the basis of tectonic plate theory. Significantly, he came up with, and largely supported, the concept of deep time (or geological time) that is a requirement for of Darwin’s theory of the origin of species.

6 - James Clerk Maxwell defined equations for the calculation of magnetic fields, electrodynamics, circuits, and optics. If you value modern communications and electrical technology, Maxwell is your guy.

7 - Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha contributed a philosophy that that provides a viable alternative to the material basis of all the other thinkers on the list, but still includes insight into real human problems, and our relationship to the non-human aspects of the universe.

8-10 - To round out the ten, I would add Aristotle, Pythagoras, and Newton from the list in the prompt.

Certainly Leonardo, Galileo, Darwin, Tesla, Leibniz, and Einstein get honorable mention, along with William of Ockham, Francis Bacon, John Locke. Konrad Zuse (first reprogrammable computer), John Newland, and Dmitri Mendeleev (Periodic Table of the Elements). The only reason these folks are not on the list is that I have to make the cut at ten, so I kept the thinkers whose work was more foundational, and honorable mention goes to the thinkers whose work derived from others on the list.

The works Fresco have not YET supported the degree of human achievement to make honorable mention, but we will see.

Waylife(12) Disputed
0 points


But this was quite arguably invented by Muslims. You hate Muslims.

The mathematical system became known in Europe in the twelfth century, when British Arabist Robert of Chester translated the writings of Persian scholar Al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khwarizmi, for whom algorithms are named, is known as the developer of modern algebra n6424836?guccounter=1&gucereferrerus=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce referrercs=IMcwRGbIloYht5RBliiwkA

Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

Just about everything that Muslims are credited with discovering was stolen from native populations that they conqured.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Hello, Waylife.

You hate Muslims.

I don't hate anybody.

That does not mean that I think everybody's philosophy and values are productive of freedom, peace, and prosperity. It certainly does not mean I want to have to deal with the behaviors that are likely, and sometimes inevitable, outgrowths of some people's beliefs and values.

The text of the Quran and the Hadith, and the teachings of a disproportionately large percentage of modern and traditional Muslim scholars espouse a set of beliefs and standards of behavior and social structure that are in many ways antithetical to the tenets of classical liberalism and secular democracy. Just because I acknowledge that a society cannot possibly serve both sets of beliefs does not mean that one or the other should be eradicated, but rather that everyone's ability to live in the type of society they want means that in this case, they should be in separate nations.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


But this was quite arguably invented by Muslims....The mathematical system became known in Europe in the twelfth century, when British Arabist Robert of Chester translated the writings of Persian scholar Al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khwarizmi, for whom algorithms are named, is known as the developer of modern algebra

Algebra is distinct from Arithmetic. Arithmetic is addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, and those related functions like fractions and exponents, etc..

I did not include anything regarding algebra. That was definitely a big gap in my list. I included arithmetic, geometry, and calculus, but neglected algebra, which is the bridge between arithmetic and calculus.

2 points

I do not necessarily entirely agree with your intelligence ratings, however I thoroughly agree with the 'spirit' of them--rather than roboticly giving everyone a 10/10, 9/10, or 12/10(?), as most people would.

People tend to lose sight that we are nowhere near the pinnacle of human cognitive capacity, and to rate someone like Socrates a 10/10 (or so) undermines human potential, as well as scapegoats for the typical persons profound lack of intellect of any kind--which is contrary to what humans are intended to be.

The same holds true for athletics, and other areas of human undertaking.

DeathWolf666(372) Clarified
1 point


In the way I am rating it, a 1/10 is average human intelligence.

2 points


Okay, that is fair. Consider, it is worth noting, 'average human' is in fact not average, as most people are squelching their own innate potential even before utilizing external tools such as reading, writing, tackling formal puzzles such as Math, chess, etc. Negative contributing factors include, though are not limited to:

-Poor blood flow to brain

-Poor nutrition

-psychological trauma

-physical trauma

-social pressure to conform or otherwise conditioning

-etc. etc.

2 points


To explore a connected topic:

It is my view that human passion is perhaps the most powerful state to get into, as once a person really wants to accomplish something is when how deep the well of human potential truly is gets revealed.

Anecdotally, people have all had the feeling of 'cramming', perhaps for a test, or some other trial in preparation for an event just over the horizon. Typically, it is found that one can learn in a weekend, or less, what may take months upon months (or more) when in a lethargic state. Now, if that can be tapped into and sustained for much greater periods of time, as well as further explored, there is no telling how much the 'average' person is capable of accomplishing in a few years, decades, or lifetime.

One will find that the most universal trait(s) in common with high performing "all-stars" of their craft is (overwhelmingly) passion & grit. That is, they are so fascinated & moved by a particular problem (or various problems) that they eagerly work on it, and it is nearly impossible to get them to stop.

1 point

Karl Marx

Invented socialism


Hello Dummy so tell me again how Socialism has worked out in Venezuela !!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Hello Dummy so tell me again how Socialism has worked out in Venezuela !!!!!!!!!!!

What about Venezuela is distinctly Socialist?

1 point

Albert Einstein

Theoretical physicist

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science

What you Leftist do not believe in German Science ???????????????

That's one hell of a muthafucking list, muthafucker, but you left off one bitch-ass muthafucker, who without his kick-ass idea, all the other ideas would not have reached all the other unenlightened muthafuckers throughout the rest of the world: Johannes Gutenberg. This nigga invented the printing press that helped print and disseminate all these other kick-ass ideas to the masses and that's one bitch-ass, muthafucking big deal.

You're welcome, muthafuckers.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
2 points

Hi, Falutin.

all the other ideas would not have reached all the other unenlightened muthafuckers throughout the rest of the world: Johannes Gutenberg. This nigga invented the printing press that helped print and disseminate all these other kick-ass ideas to the masses

There is a difference between what I think is intended by an important mind and an important innovator.

Innovators modify existing technology or ideas, or use them in new ways or for new applications. You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the importance of innovators, because important ideas must be effectively applied in practical ways, and applied to practical problems in order for them to matter.

Gutenberg was an innovator. He took the existing technology (the printing press, metal casting) and combined and modified them to enable the printing process to be more efficient and versatile such that books could be mass produced.

This puts Gutenberg in the company of the millions of anonymous people who tinkered with ideas and technology, and were thereby the true drivers of progress. Because they make things that actually change human lives, innovators do FAR more to advance human cultural progress than the great minds do.

Without the innovators, the important minds are irrelevant in impressive ways.

I hear you. They provided the foundations that others built on. That's why I upvoted you.

1 point

The fact that Marx is on this list, and Jesus isnt, tells me all I need to know about you.

Waylife(12) Disputed
1 point

The fact that Marx is on this list, and Jesus isnt, tells me all I need to know about you.

There is no evidence Jesus even existed you dangerously insane fool.

Grugore(856) Disputed
0 points

There is plenty of evidence. Most of the New Testament was written by Paul. Paul is a historical figure who's existence cannot be doubted. He was alive during Christ's Earthly ministery. Every thing he wrote is a valid historical record. There is also the fact that Jesus desciples faced torture and death rather than deny a risen Savior. Now I ask you. Who would die for a lie? The answer is nobody.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


The fact that Marx is on this list, and Jesus isnt, tells me all I need to know about you.

Jesus should not be on the list because he was not at all an original or important THINKER.

The whole premise behind the Christian concept of Jesus is not about his thinking, but about his actions and identity.

By contrast, one might make a useful argument that the author of the Pauline epistles was an important thinker who laid out an important set of ideas for how people should live and interact with the divine.

I don't think Marx should be on the list because I don't see how his ideas were in any way as original, important, or useful in the advancement of human culture, technology, or dignity as many others who did not make the list. Marx' ideas were downstream of John Locke and Adam Smith, but they did not even make the list, so Marx certainly should not qualify, regardless of whether one views his ideas as viable or sensible or productive of realities that have contributed to the benefit of humanity.

Why isn’t Hitler up there?! He invented The PERFECT SYSTEM called “National Socialism. It is ingenious! Capitalism and Communism both take advantage of the working class(the majority). NS filled in the short comings of both - a brilliant HYBRID of total capitalism and communism. Still private ownership- but the big things like medical is covered in a group/Socialist manor.

Waylife(12) Disputed
1 point

Capitalism and Communism both take advantage of the working class

That's objectively false. Communism was invented to emancipate the working class from the tyrannical mechanics of capitalism. That is the entire point of the theory. Its sole aim is to free the working class.

Now, has it been abused by opportunist politicians and wannabe dictators? Of course it has. The evidence for this is overwhelming.

But does that prove the communist system does not work? No, of course not. It is open to abuse the same as everything else in life.

You will find the right in a hurry to elude to the horrors of Stalin, but not so quick to admit that he killed all the genuine Marxist leaders so that he could procure unilateral power for himself.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Now here we got us a completely confused Communist that thinks it's a Socialist !!!

0 points

I love Jaque Fresco and agree that he was a genius, but to place him above Einstein is really pushing it.

DeathWolf666(372) Clarified
1 point

I love Jaque Fresco and agree that he was a genius, but to place him above Einstein is really pushing it.

Einstein was mainly good at math and physics whereas Fresco was a polymath. Also Jacque was more logical in general than Einstein who could be a little bit of a crack pot.

-1 points

Einstein, Tesla and Darwin.

Keep them; rest is just you fanboying.

1 point

Einstein, Tesla and Darwin.

Keep them; rest is just you fanboying.

D'aww, is my widdle Mingi wingy wuwu jealous that he isn't on the list?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Disputed
1 point

I do not deserve to be on this list yet.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Einstein, Tesla and Darwin.

Keep them; rest is just you fanboying.

All three are worthy candidates.

But if you would limit the list of important minds to them, consider that Isaac Newton wrote in 1675, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

That applies here.

How do you get Einstein or Tesla without Archimedes, Newton, and Maxwell?

How do you get Darwin without Aristotle, Bacon, and Hutton?

Significantly, Newton was quoting Bernard of Charles who wrote it in Latin the 12th century.

Rustikus(174) Banned
-1 points

Thomas Edison makes your Nicola Tesla comment dumb.

Waylife(12) Disputed
2 points

Thomas Edison makes your Nicola Tesla comment dumb.

Thomas Edison was a thief and a scumbag.

Which probably explains why you idolise him, Bronto.

But a little research seems to indicate that he would go to any lengths to claim credit for inventions of other people’s work and creativity.