
Debate Info

True False
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:20
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 True (4)
 False (5)

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Bradf0rd(1431) pic

True or False: "A greatest number is impossible"

A quote taken from the German philosopher named Johann F. Herbart.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 8
3 points

While Graham's (sic?) number is the highest defined practical number (as in has a use) in existence. You can always add one (or add 1^-24, if you really want to mean. It's called a yocto by the way).

Side: True
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

I believe Graham's number was was part of a math game, not an actual theory, and so while used, could not be said to be practical so large is it.

However, it is a bit shortsighted to assume there could not be a real application for a larger number still.

There was a time in human history when 1,000 was meant to represent infinity after all.

Side: False
1 point

Nope. Numbers don't have to represent real things, and so you can always add to them. And consequently there is no such thing as infinity really, as commented on the other side. Things can increase forever, the universe can expand forever, but that something can expand, or can increase inherently means they never were and so never could be infinite.

Side: True

So long as infinity is possible a greatest number nevel will be.

Side: True
2 points

Anything above 45,000,000,000 is purely speculative theoretical science, as this video explains:

Side: False
2 points

Now time to take the other side.

In a set there is always a greatest number.

In s-bit you get 124 as the greatest number possible.

All infinities have a limit.

I conclude this message.

Side: False
2 points

Four is the greatest number, any number can be related back to four. Example, three is five, five is four. One is three, three is five, five is four. Seventy-seven is twelve, twelve is six, six is five, five is four. Four is the only number with it's own number of letters in it.

Side: False
1 point

If you were to break down everything in existence into it's smallest component and count the components, the number of components would be the greatest number in existence.

Side: False
gcomeau(536) Disputed
4 points

And then I add 1 to it.

Oops. I guess it wasn't the greatest number after all...

No, there is no such thing as "a greatest number". An no... "infinity" doesn't count.

Side: True