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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 He CAN'T (1)
 He WILL (7)

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excon(18262) pic

Trump is NOT gonna release the Mueller report, and PREVENT congress from getting it.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 8
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Trump is NOT gonna release the Mueller report, and PREVENT congress from getting it.

I've already told you what I'd do. If it looks good, release it the day before the election. The libs will look like the biggest propaganda clowns on Earth and be humiliated.

Side: He WILL
Goldtop(166) Disputed
0 points

Or, Trump and all of his cronies will get what's coming to them, long jail sentences.

Side: He CAN'T
1 point

Trump is NOT gonna release the Mueller report, and PREVENT congress from getting it.

BABY GURL run and find your SAFE SPACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: He WILL
1 point

Trump is NOT gonna release the Mueller report, and PREVENT congress from getting it.

BABY GURL you have no facts an you live on the false facts that the MSM feeds you !!!!!!!!!

Side: He WILL
1 point

SUPER STUPID types up some assumption and it don't KNOW SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: He WILL
1 point

Trump is NOT gonna release the Mueller report, and PREVENT congress from getting it

SUPER STUPID where did you get your fact less information ????????????

Side: He WILL
1 point

Being the CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR you are there should be some interaction between you and William Barr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get back to us with your findings !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: He WILL
1 point

SUPER STUPID did CNN propose the nonsense you are so afraid of ????????????????????

Side: He WILL