
Debate Info

Opinion A Opinion B
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Opinion A (2)
 Opinion B (2)

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PatchOfDoom(73) pic

Wanted to get Excon's opinion on this sensitive topic

Opinion A

Side Score: 2

Opinion B

Side Score: 3
1 point

Wanted to get Excon's opinion on this sensitive topic


What's funny here, is that you appear to believe all 30,000 documented LIES the orange man told..

You have NO standing here.. Put your OWN house in order..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: Opinion A
LordSauron(332) Disputed
1 point

What's funny here, is that you appear to believe all 30,000 documented LIES the orange man told..

Here's the clear fallacy here. You attacked Trump for "lying" nonstop for years. Now you elected a guy that lies like it's some kind of lying religion, and you have nothing to say about it. Not a god damned peep.

Side: Opinion B
1 point

Wanted to get Excon's opinion on this sensitive topic


Here's Trumps 30,000 and 1st lie told just last Tuesday.


Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club in unincorporated West Palm Beach last weekend, despite not playing the first round of the tournament.

Members arrived the second day surprised to see Trump with a five-point lead, according to the Daily Mail. But Trump never played the first round as he was attending a funeral in North Carolina of ardent supporter “Diamond” of the duo Diamond and Silk.

Trump told tournament organizers he played a strong round on the course Thursday, two days before the tournament started, and decided that would count as his Saturday score for the club championship. That score was five points better than any competitor posted during Saturday’s first round.

Trump called it a “great honor” to have won. “


And, YOU BELIEVE him... Extraordinary..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: Opinion A
LordSauron(332) Disputed
2 points

This is very bizarre. Nowhere in this debate does it mention Trump, but it does mention Biden, and you are still yet to comment on Biden. Secondly, even if that were not the case, you've provided no link in your attempted dodge, making you just like Biden, plagiarizing and providing no source for where you got the information. Is there some reason you didn't link us directly to his Truth Social account comment directly so we could see exactly what was said? I ask because the last time you cited something he said on there, you left out much of his actual post, which changed the meaning and context completely, and you looked like a dishonest liar because either you are one, or you cite a media that is one.

Side: Opinion B
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