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Debate Score:17
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BenWalters(1508) pic

Was Robin Hood a good man?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 6
1 point

I think we should have a modern day high-tech robin hood that hacks the bank accounts or breaks in to steal from all the rich people in the world because no human being should have all that money to themselves just to fill in their "wants" when the rest of world could use that money to fill in their "necessities," because necessity is more important than want.

Side: Yes
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"I think we should have a modern day high-tech robin hood that hacks the bank accounts "

Doesn't the Anonymous group do that already? apart from that they don't steal.

(Oops, didn't mean to dispute)

Side: Yes

Yes, those rich people did not earn it by working, they earned the surplus value using the feudal system.

Side: Yes
1 point

I strongly believe, that Robin Hood was really good person ! I do not care of them, who was plundered, because all of them are thief too.Robin made only good job. I respect him !

Side: Yes
1 point

I think Robin Hood was a good guy because the Prince and Sheriff were a-holes that were power hungry and had to "steal" from common people by way of taxation to make their lazy lives better. Robin Hood took back from the evil powers what belonged to the everyday people. Plus anyone who is that good with a bow is a bad ass, so I like him.

Side: Yes

He cared about his fellow man especially the poor at Sherwood Forest.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think no, because it is not right to steal from rich who earned them by hardworking. They are not guilty that poor people are poor. People who don't have anything and got them from Robin Hood are guilty by themselves, but not because of rich people. If those rich people had stolen from poor I would say that Robin Hood is a good man.

Side: No
2 points

Those people at the time did not produce wealth, they exploited the lower class for it. So really they are legally stealing, that is what I call class exploitation. Remember, Robin Hood lived when people were ruled by the feudal system.

Side: Yes
Alibek(31) Disputed
1 point

Are you communist? How can you prove that they have exploited and legally stole? There is no difference between now and past: people in lower class work for upper class and we can't say that they are exploiting. Only communists say so.

Side: No
1 point

Theft is theft, he should have made a union and slowly campagined for equal rights and redistribution of the wealth. Plus it depends which version of Robin Hood you're talking about, the Disney one had taken the original tale and twisted it up to a load of bullshit (as always).

Side: No
1 point

Lol no in my opinion.

If it's an eye for an eye concept.

Then murder should be repaid with murder .

A good soul should probably go on a mass freak killing spree and kill terrorists or murderers sadistically .

Try putting that into children's stories .

Side: No