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 Was the big bang just a white hole? (5)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

Was the big bang just a white hole?

that would explain alot dont you think? I mean it opens the door for many other things, but it would explain the multiverse theory right? if the big bang is just a white hole, then that means that infinite universes exist because through every black hole would be a completely new universe.

What do you guys think about this? 

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What ?

I think I have an idea of what you're trying to say. Are you familiar with Fecund universe hypothesis?

No i am not familiar with it but i just read about it and i see what its saying

I think its plausible, especially this fecund theory, because when you think about it mathematics has to be the same in every single universe, mathematics is like the only language that is able to be used anywhere, so while there may be slight differences in the universal equations of the "mutated" universes, they would have all the same characteristics, they would just behave in a different fashion.

Is this what you are getting at? Or think I am getting at?

1 point

One multiverse theory is a conclusion derived through quantum theory where a quantum particle is simultaniously in two diffrent states until it's effects are felt or observed in one universe or the other. A simpler analogy would by the flipping of a coin where there is a 50/50 possibility of its outcome, in these situations the theory is that the universe splits into two universes, in one the coin lands heads in the other it lands tails. This is known as the many-worlds interpretation and sits well with me.

There are theories which suggest the bigbang is a white hole as suggested but the jury is still out as the laws of physics breaks down at a singularity. I'm not sure how the maths work.

I think it is much more likely that "big bangs" are comon place, particles have been observed jumping into and out of existance in a vacum in mater and anti-mater pairs causing almost simultanous anihilation.

What I think is more likely is that in our early universes the mater/anti-mater has not annihilated each other for some reason. I don't know why but if every possibility is played out then how ever slim a possibility there was always going to be a universe where it was a certainty. infact more than one. In a very small factor of these the laws of physics are such that the universe exists at all in an even smaller factor the earth and even smaller again humans. Even though this number it self is mind boggling.

Anyway that's my view

thats a cool view, ive heard of the "anti universe" theory before, and its really interesting, it makes you wonder if these universes could ever collide