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 What Do You Think About This Quote "If I Lay Down With Dogs Then I Will Wake Up With Fleas (4)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

What Do You Think About This Quote "If I Lay Down With Dogs Then I Will Wake Up With Fleas

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2 points

Its the same as if you want to be a snake you have to lay in the dirt.

It is a pretty accurate summary of acting like a ct will get you in trouble.

2 points

It really means for females that mess with the wrong males you will soon see what happens you could end up with a baby or any kind of disease

2 points

It depends on whether the animal lives in the house only or the outdoors too. Outdoor dogs will get fleas. Though I don't know anyone who lays down with them. Maybe on a camping trip?

Side: Use a Flea Collar
1 point

It jus means that when you hang around someone you tend to be generalized with that person.. Say theres this chica and she starts chillin wif a slutty chick.. Then the chica will be classified as a slut.

Side: Use a Flea Collar