
Debate Info

I lik 'em alot They sux yo'!!!!
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:44
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 I lik 'em alot (22)
 They sux yo'!!!! (7)

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Hellno(17724) pic

What Is Your Opinion on Grammar Nazis?

I lik 'em alot

Side Score: 31

They sux yo'!!!!

Side Score: 8
6 points


That was Hitlerious!

I did nazi that coming... did jew?

Lol, no. Just no. This is starting to get out of Mein Kampfort zone. Anne Frankly, I should probably shut up right now...

Side: I lik 'em alot
2 points

Yeah, that;s funny i guess. But on a serious point, i want to make it clear that vagina jokes are not funny. Period. You always see girls ovary acting about them.last time i tried telling one of them a bank joke, they lost interest. And yes, i take credit for that. Oh you'll like this one! There were three guys sitting at a bar right, and... Ah, never mind. I was going to tell you a gay joke, butt fuck it.

Side: I lik 'em alot
2 points

The worse someone's grammar is, the less intelligent they probably are. Sometimes I have no choice but to criticise grammar in an argument because it is completely illegible.

Side: I lik 'em alot

When it's impossible to understand what they are trying to write, yes, it's time to criticize grammar. But you look like a total jackass (trust me, I know) when your criticize someone's grammar and insinuate their lackluster intellect, and it turns out they're learning English as a second or third language.

On the other hand, I know a little Spanish and a little German, but I wouldn't dream of trying to debate other people in those two languages until I was a competent and confident with my knowledge of those languages.

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

They do serve a purpose. For example, when someone writes something like this:

heloo, I is cee dis debaet sigth an i waanna debaet so i has 2 rite dis edumacated fackt ok hear it is the fackt is dat gramer deos not madder wen I haf to rite a debaet cas as long as i has mi opninion i not stupid cas i rite lik dis u is stupid cas i stil have a point just mi gramer is bad

And yes, I've seen this too many times on CD. I have no respect for a post that is put together so poorly that lazy is the only word that comes to mind.

Side: I lik 'em alot
2 points

Dude! I told you I was drunk when I posted that! Geesh! Give a dude a break.

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

LOL, drunk debating. Don't want to live to see that day. ;)

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

Hey, there was a Grammer Nazi on the site a few months back. I kind of enjoyed the person, but they were very brutal and didn't make fun of any of my posts. So, I don't think they are that bad!

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

I aspire to be a Grammar Nazi. I just love that feeling when I can point at someone and one-up them just like that (with good reason, you understand). In any conversation!

I mean, you can even be a Grammar Nazi on the internet.

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

I don't actually "lik 'em alot" but I just don't have any problems with them. Probably because my grammar isn't terrible. I don't point it out when other people use horrible grammar, but I'm glad that other people do it for me so I don't have to be annoyed by it. So, I guess what I mean is, "Thanks, Grammar Nazis, for making my life easier." ^^

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

Our language is fucked-up cobblestone to begin with. You really think it's okay to make it look any shittier? C'mon, my friends. Use your thinkers.

Side: I lik 'em alot

they are Okay. They just correct your grammar mistakes. No problem. Maybe if you ask a grammar nazi to correct your work then you can get full marks or something

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

Who else is going to take care of all these "Grammar Jews"?

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

they get annoying sometimes but it is good cuz it's kinda fun getting into an argument, at least that's how i think my friends feel since I kinda correct their grammar a lot, in or out of an argument

Side: I lik 'em alot
-1 points

You see one and suddenly you lose all sense of grammar...

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

What the f*ck is this??? lol

Side: I lik 'em alot
2 points

By the way, kudos on picking the icon for this debate.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!
1 point

I would consider myself a grammar elitist, in that the more mistakes a person makes, the more my respect towards them plummets. I don't correct them, but I generally follow the rule where the more errors a person makes, the less intelligent they are, to the point of being not worth talking to. A person who has horrid sentence structure and punctuation, misspelled words and other mistakes is not likely to make a convincing argument, and online in general, not a fun person to talk to.

However, I don't bother to correct them. I just laugh at them in my head.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"However, I don't bother to correct them. I just laugh at them in my head"

The ability to think and not make intellect your game is a virtue not many people possess.

Side: I lik 'em alot
1 point

Meh? I hate when people use 'alot' as one word but for the most part I don't care about grammar or typos... Grammar Nazis are a little annoying plus they give all those internet LOL-cats a free ride for some reason? What the f*ck is up with that?

Side: They sux yo'!!!!

A Grammar Nazi is some one that seeks an excuse for not hearing another person's opinion. The use of English by itself does not dictate a person's intellectual abilities, just their spelling ability.

Factors determine one's use of language, such as where one was raised, what they do on a daily basis, culture or era repeatedly exposed to, etc. One might be employed in a job where very little writing is done, where somebody else maybe employed where all they do is write. The more you do something, generality the better you become.

Another person may work in a bilingual field where their English may slip a bit in order to adapt to the secondary environment. One may be immersed in history, the 50's, or another era do to career choices. One might even drop back into another time to pursue their passion, such as being in a Renaissance festival.

A grammar Nazi is clearly a nobody trying to be somebody.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!
1 point

Your heavy insults towards people who care about grammar ignored, I agree, mostly.

I automatically forgive anyone who wasn't born in an English speaking country, but for people who can speak it fluently, yet are unable to type it correctly, I am still mildly critical.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!
1 point

My biggest peeve is when someone misuses the words 'then' and 'than'. I don't point it out though; it's not really my job to educate people on their grammar, and I think people who do are being anal. However, I agree with others in this debate that exceedingly bad grammar makes your point difficult to understand and is discourteous to people trying to figure it out.

On the other hand, you need to give a break to people for whom English is a second language.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!

Good spelling and grammar are nice ways to communicate, however, it is not nice for someone to criticize someone for misspelling or not the proper grammar.

Side: They sux yo'!!!!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

This debate is two years old! You leave arguments on several old debates of mine every day. Now, normally that would be fine except that you're not really interested in actually debating or interacting with anyone. Every time you post on some old dead debate of mine it notifies me. It's really annoying to click on my notifications only to discover it's just another pointless post of yours.

Side: I lik 'em alot