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Debate Score:4
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 What Would You Do If... (3)

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NudeHelp305(176) pic

What Would You Do If...

What would you do if... you were in a public changing room and you took off your clothes and towel and went to the showers and when you came back your clothes and towels were gone and there was no one else in the change room to help you and the pool was closing in 5 minutes. The guy's change room door is next to the woman's. The halls are full with men, women and children and the lost and found is on the other side of the building. What would you do?

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I would run out naked to the lost and found as fast as can to get my towel and clothes. If they weren't there I would run out the door and run all the way home. Not because the car I have is a SmartCar so people would see my boobs and vergina and plus I live down the road from a pool anyway!

Side: Run Out Naked To The Lost And Found
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

Then why does your "About Me" section say that you are a Male from Canada?

Side: Run Out Naked To The Lost And Found

I clicked the wrong one by mistake. Thanks for telling me.

Side: Run Out Naked To The Lost And Found