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 What are you doing for Christmas? (7)

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GuitaristDog(2548) pic

What are you doing for Christmas?

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3 points

The same thing I do every year, Pinky... try to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!

1 point

Probably just the usual:

-get presents

-give presents

-get drunk

Just replace "get drunk" with "get stoned" and you have my plan.

1 point

Well to be honest that should have said:

-get drunk and stoned

1 point

Well for Christmas Eve I will be going to the Christmas Eve service in church and on Christmas I usually do presents, then I spend time with my family by reading the birth of Christ in the Bible and eating a Christmas dinner.

awww that sounds so much more fun then what im doing for christmas and christmas eve :(

Stay indoors, like I always do.

Though, I may go visit extended family, I'm not sure.

But mostly, I going to be sitting around hoping something interesting or amazing happens on the 21st that doesn't destroy the world. (Other then the planetary and solar alignment with the galactic core)